Chapter 404 Law (5)

Suddenly, a small speck of dust caught Xue Luoyue's attention.

In such an empty space, a small speck of dust is enough to make people wonder.

Xue Luoyue walked into the floating dust and lightly touched it with her fingers.

A miraculous scene appeared.

This grain of dust suddenly turned into a seed and fell to the ground, as if it had a hand, the seed burrowed into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a small sprout appeared, and the sprout first formed a thick tooth germ in half. After a while, the sprout began to grow new leaves.

The leaves gradually increased, and at this time, the small shoots also grew into a small tree.

The little tree grows up gradually, and the fallen leaves begin to rot, giving the little tree nutrients, and the little tree keeps growing. In this quiet space, growing up seems to be the only joy of the little tree.

It seems that after a long time, the small tree has grown into a towering tree. In this gray world, this tree has become a green light in the darkness.

Growth requires more nutrients, but unfortunately, it is not enough for the growth of big trees without the rotting of leaves alone, and there is no water on the ground that can supply big trees.

Soon, the ground began to dry out, and the gray space became even more desolate.

In this way, the uncle began to wither and turn yellow, the leaves were scattered and scattered, without moisture, the fallen leaves were like dry grass and would not rot.

The big tree began to wail and cry.

Since the world gave it life, why not keep it alive.

Dashu began to resent, resent this unknown place.

Unfortunately, no one could hear it, except Xue Luoyue.

Unknowingly, the corners of Xue Luoyue's eyes were moist, as if she could feel the sadness of Dashu.

Just then, a woman appeared.

The woman was dressed in white, with a simple hair on the sideburns and a white jade hairpin on her head. Her jet-black hair was draped behind her like a waterfall.

The woman touched the cracked bark of the big tree with a finger as white as a lotus root, pulled out the white jade hairpin from her head, and swiped at her wrist.

The blood immediately dripped on Dashu's body. What was strange was that the woman's blood was not red, but five colors, just like the colors of Xue Luoyue's five attributes.

Just after the woman's blood fell, the blood was instantly absorbed by the big tree, and in an instant, the bark outside the big tree began to fall off, rejuvenating.

And the blood that hadn't been absorbed in time turned into five kinds of spiritual power and dissipated in the air.

"These auras can give you survival, don't be resentful, trees should be kind and full of vitality." The woman's voice was as sweet and soft as an oriole, with a strong color of compassion.

The big tree shook its branches, as if thanking the woman for saving her life.

"You don't need to thank me. I just did what I should do. From now on, you will live here well. Everything here is under your control. But, don't violate the law of growth." The woman turned and left after she finished speaking.

Xue Luoyue wanted to see her face clearly but couldn't.

After the woman left, the big tree began to absorb the spiritual power, and after a certain period of time, the big tree spit out the spiritual energy, which may be the reason for absorbing the woman's blood, and the big tree spit out a lot of spiritual energy.

Gradually, these auras began to permeate the space.

Time flies, the sea has changed.

Even if the big tree absorbs spiritual energy, it cannot avoid the end of old age and death.

One day, the big tree stopped emitting spiritual energy, and the whole tree collapsed. When the tree started to rot, a small bud grew out of it, just like what Xue Luoyue had seen before.

(End of this chapter)

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