Chapter 413 Seeing the clues (2)

"Xiyan, do you trust the boss so much?" Li Min was a little surprised that Chen Xiyan trusted Xue Luoyue and the others so much.

"Boss is worthy of our trust, isn't he?" Chen Xiyan smiled heartily and said to Li Min.

"Yes, I believe in the boss." Li Min looked at Chen Xiyan with a smile. Since what happened last time, the two of them have become very good friends.

Now, seeing Chen Xiyan trusting Xue Luoyue so much, Li Min was indescribably excited.

"We also believe in the boss, and of course, the teacher." Everyone also quickly expressed their opinions. Everyone has a better understanding of Xue Luoyue's personality during this period of time.

It was precisely because of this that they admired Xue Luoyue even more. How could a little girl do things that shocked even their grown-up men? Can they not be admired?

"By the way, we don't seem to know what our teacher's surname is or what his name is." Now that someone opened the chatterbox, everyone began to gossip.

"Yes, yes, we all call him teacher, but we didn't pay attention to what the teacher's last name is. By the way, did the teacher say that?" One person curiously asked the person next to him.

"I don't know, I probably haven't said it," the man scratched his head and replied a little naively.

"No matter what his surname is, he is our teacher, that's right, the name is not important, do you think so?" Li Min said with a smile.

"Everyone have a good rest first, don't discuss these things, something might happen in a while, before the boss and the others come back, we have to protect ourselves well." Chen Xiyan paid attention to the outside things while they were chatting.

If this situation continues, someone may break Yun Jueshang's spiritual power cover, not to mention that this spiritual power cover needs to be maintained with spiritual power.

It has been a day and a night now, and it is already bright today, so the spiritual power shield probably won't last long.

Chen Xiyan's worry was not unreasonable, but she still underestimated Yun Jueshang's ability. As long as the people covered by this spiritual power did not take the initiative to go out, the consumption of spiritual power was not large.

But as long as the people inside go out, the spiritual power shield will start to function and defend themselves. At the same time, those who go out will not be able to come in again.

"It's true, let's practice." Fan Li also shared Chen Xiyan's point of view. There are indeed more and more people outside, which is not a good phenomenon.

As soon as Fan Li's words fell, everyone sat down on the spot and began to practice. The training of the past few days allowed them to get into the state quickly.

In fact, while the spiritual power shield set up by Yun Jueshang protects them, it will also be discovered by interested people, which will put everyone in danger.

At that time, Yun Jueshang also made a decision out of desperation, and it was because of Xue Luoyue's relationship, otherwise he would not care about the lives of these people.

If it were someone from the Dark Palace, Yun Jueshang had only one decision, to fight! .

It's a pity that these people are not from the Dark Palace, and Yun Jueshang did his best to take preventive measures in advance.

The people in the spiritual power cover closed their eyes, absorbed the spiritual energy and practiced, but it was not so quiet outside.

"How to get rid of this blindfold, Brother Xue might as well give everyone some advice." Knowing that the middle-aged man is so knowledgeable, everyone looked at him expectantly.

"This..." The middle-aged man was a little embarrassed, and now he understood that people like feelings wanted him to solve this blindfold.

"Xue's ability is limited, and I really don't know how to get rid of this blindfold." The middle-aged man no longer brags, nor does he dare to brag, so he can only tell the truth, what is more important than life.

(End of this chapter)

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