Chapter 440 Spirit Stone (6)

Needless to say, Liu Deren's situation must be due to the spirit power stone. Fortunately, Xia Yifeng took the spirit power stone out of the ring in time, otherwise the situation would not be much better.

And when the five spiritual power stones were gathered together, the white jade hairpin suddenly became as big as a scepter, and the five spiritual power stones suddenly became smaller, and then were inlaid on the sub-scepter in the bright light.

At the moment when the spirit stone and the scepter were combined, there was a sudden gust of wind, and the spiritual energy in the entire space was suddenly gathered by the scepter.

At the same time, the aura surged towards the white jade hairpin in a vortex, just like what Xue Luoyue had done before, only this time the aura was stronger and the air pressure formed around was stronger.

This powerful suction seems to want to suck everyone into that vortex.

Xue Luoyue narrowed her eyes slightly, could this be what the mysterious woman said to give her something, but Xue Luoyue was a little confused about what it could do.

A few minutes passed, Bai Yuzanzi, oh no!It was the spiritual energy absorbed by the white jade scepter that was getting stronger and stronger, and the five spiritual power stones inlaid side by side on the scepter emitted different lights from top to bottom.

They are the colors of the five spiritual power attributes, each representing a different spiritual power attribute.

It's just that this scene was only noticed by a few people with strong cultivation bases. Others hadn't been blinded by the violent wind for a long time, and didn't notice this surprised scene at all.

But Xue Luoyue, Yun Jueshang, Xia Yifeng, Gong Bixi, and Feng Liye and Liu Deren who are relatively strong can see it. Even if other people try to open their eyes, they can only see a blurred light Group, the color is not clear.

At this moment, the white jade scepter seemed to be picked up by someone, and it was swiped fiercely in the air, a crack was split in the space, and a passageway for three people appeared in front of everyone.

A member of the nearby mercenary union was directly sucked in, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

While everyone was stunned, two more people from Fengxi Country and Beilin were sucked in one after another.

All of a sudden, everyone was curious and afraid of the entrance of the cave. They were curious about what would exist inside, and they were afraid of whether they would have a chance to come out if they entered.

Moreover, this hole keeps sucking people out, as if it wants to suck all these people in before it will stop.

With a flash in Liu Deren's eyes, he jumped towards the passage, letting the suction force suck him in, and then Bei Chenyuan's face evoked a smile, and followed closely behind.

The two men looked at each other and rushed towards their master.

And those who were still struggling to resist saw that Liu Deren's gang didn't show any fear on their faces, and their minds moved slightly, and they also wanted to follow.

What's more, there were no screams coming from the entrance and exit of the passage. They prefer to believe that the entrance and exit are not dangerous.

The temptation of the treasure is obviously more than the vigilance of the danger. These people let the suction force suck them in without even thinking about it. These people originally came here for the vision, and wanted to see if they could get the treasure.

Now there are infinite possibilities hidden behind this passage, how can it not make them feel excited.

"Do you want to go?" Yun Jueshang looked at the passage that was shrinking and could only accommodate two people. It seemed that this passage was time-sensitive. When time passed, the passage would cease to exist.

"Of course." Xue Luoyue evoked a smile full of interest, and her intuition told her that there would be something unexpected in it.

(End of this chapter)

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