Chapter 491 Martial Crazy (4)

"Ah? No, masters, save me!" Zhu Shengtian screamed, ran behind the three of them, and kept patting his chest, so that these people arrived in time, otherwise his life would be over.

"What do you think?" The old man who said he couldn't catch up looked at Mu Litian.

"Okay, come back and fight." Mu Litian quickly put the sword back into the scabbard, glanced at Zhu Shengtian and said, meaning, I remember you, you can't escape.

Zhu Shengtian's legs softened, please don't treat him like this, unfortunately, no one can help him this time.

"That's how it is, everyone is here?" The old man looked around, and these people had already lined up.

As for Qing Fu, she pulled Chu Mo to stand beside the crowd, and when she glanced at Chu Mo from the corner of her eye, the three of them didn't feel any difference. Chu Mo was still cynical and uninterested in anything.

"Okay, let's go." One of the elders blew a whistle, and three huge gray birds flew over and stopped not far away. The strong wind blew up, and everyone had to raise their sleeves to cover them.

Except for the three old men who just narrowed their eyes slightly, everyone else was the same, blocking the strong wind, even if it was to prevent sand and dust.

"Jiujiu" the three big gray birds looked at the old man who had never spoken and looked up friendly, as if they knew each other.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you today." The old man stepped forward lovingly, and touched the heads of the three big gray birds, like his own children.

"Okay, come up, divide into three groups, and the three of us will lead the team." After finishing speaking, the old man jumped onto the bird's back and stood firmly.

Everyone's eyes became hot, flying mounts, needless to say, they quickly divided into teams, and each walked to the side of the three big gray birds.

Suddenly, the first team, Zhu Shengtian and Shi Yao's team, was blown back a step by the strong wind blown by the big gray bird's wings.

"What's the situation?" Zhu Shengtian rubbed his eyes, spat sand, and asked inarticulately after eating a mouth full of dust.

"Don't get excited, this is them saying hello!" The old man standing on the back of the bird said lightly, and then he didn't know what to say, the rest of the big gray birds nodded, and looked sideways at the group of people in front of them .

Strange why they couldn't blow him away by saying hello to the old man like this, but this group couldn't.

"It's such an aura of monsters," Shi Yao exclaimed.

After understanding Shi Yao's words, the big gray bird that was still depressed suddenly tilted its head with a smile, and chirped twice at Shi Yao.

"It's greeting me?" Shi Yao looked at the big gray bird in surprise. It's not like she hasn't ridden a flying mount before, but it's the first time she's seen such an aura.

"Senior Sister Shiyao is so powerful, even monsters have a crush on her." A person in the team looked at Shiyao admiringly, dressed in white, smiling lightly, like a blooming white lotus.

"As expected of Senior Sister Shiyao, no matter what she does, she is so perfect," a man in Chu Mo's team also said admiringly.

"Tch, what's the matter, my junior sister is still better than her?" Chu Mo smiled unabashedly, don't think he didn't know that Shi Yao was trying to arouse the old man's favor.

"Well, let's go." Of course, the old man knew that the beast he domesticated was very spiritual, so he didn't explain too much.

Later, when the other two teams went up, they really did not receive a "friendly" greeting.

"Wow.... It's my first time to ride a flying monster, and it feels so strange." One of the women touched the soft feathers under her body and exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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