Chapter 833 Strange Palace?

After the break, the students of Star Academy were still led by Mu Litian and Chu Mo, but because Mu Litian insisted on following Yun Jueshang.

Therefore, the two teams merged and walked together.

Although Yun Jueshang didn't open his mouth to express his agreement, he didn't refuse either. Just like this, a group of people started their exciting training.

When encountering a powerful monster, everyone from the Star Academy went up, and when they were beaten to death, Fan Li and others followed up.

In this way, not only did the two teams have the opportunity to practice, but the things gained from this practice were also very impressive.

It's just that, after they played Warcraft alone at the beginning, they felt that the challenge was too low, and they didn't get enough points for what they got.

Therefore, they began to look for Warcraft that lived in groups, and thus launched a carpet-style experience of Warcraft.

Originally, the monsters in the secret realm were not overly hostile after sensing outsiders, and people didn't mess with them, so no monsters took the initiative to attack humans.

But it's different now. This group of passionate young people finally met their juniors and younger sisters, and they seem to admire them very much. Therefore, each of them wants to show their abilities to Fan Li and his group.

Just like that, three men with extraordinary temperament walked slowly behind a group of teams.

The two groups of people in front were like bandits who had never seen a monster. Every time they went to a place, they taught the monster there a lesson. Of course, good things must be taken away.

Because they were afraid that too much killing would cause them to inhale the resentment of the monsters, so, under the reminder of Yun Jueshang and Mu Litian, they did not kill too many monsters, but beat the monsters so that they could not fight back.

This situation lasted for a few days, but the people of the Star Academy and the Galaxy Academy were so happy. Everyone got a lot of high-level monster cores, and they almost couldn't hold them.

The shapely Xue Luoyue left them a ring that was not too small. Looking at the huge spoils, the two teams were laughing in their dreams.

Yun Jueshang and his group will never know that the center of the secret realm in their group is getting closer and closer.

Not only them, but other people in the secret realm seemed to be drawn in some way, slowly approaching the center.

And what's in this zone?Soon, the first wave of people came here.

"Brother? Look, there seems to be a relic over there." There were about [-] or [-] people in this group, without any family emblem, and they were obviously casual cultivators.

"Go, go and have a look." The so-called elder brother is a middle-aged man with a beard on his face. With a big wave of his hand, he leads everyone closer to the place pointed by the younger brother.

From a distance, there seems to be a palace there, but it is a bit dilapidated, and some pillars have collapsed, but they still look new, and these pillars are supposed to be made of good materials.

"The temple?" The little brother pointed to the door plate above and said, "The temple? God? There is a god here?" The little brother nervously grabbed the hand of the person called the big brother, his eyes full of excitement.

"Go, look at what this temple is called, it's empty everywhere, where is there a god, nonsense" the middle-aged man glanced at the younger brother displeased.

When the younger brother heard it, he felt a little embarrassed, he was just a little too excited.

"Brother, look, what is this?" Suddenly, a surprised voice came, which attracted everyone's attention.

(End of this chapter)

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