The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 853 The Scorpion's Secret

Chapter 853 The Scorpion's Secret (2)

"Miss, what are you doing?" Behind Jun Qingruo and Qingfu Jianjian Xue Luoyue seemed to be in no danger, and then they saw a side that made her shudder.

When those scorpions sprayed the venom before, she could see it clearly. The venom was so vicious that even she was afraid to look at it.

"It's okay, the contract is already made, don't worry if it's okay." Xue Luoyue looked at Jun Qingruo and Qing Fu with a smile. Although she didn't know the consequences of being stung by a scorpion, she was prepared in her heart.

Anyway, she won't die, but the process may be more painful, but she will not change her mind.

"Are you really okay?" Jun Qingruo still looked worried, her brows were tightly locked.

Qingfu patted Jun Qingruo's hand, "Jun Qingruo, sister Wuya is a pharmacist, and her own system has a certain resistance to poison, not to mention that sister Wuya is so powerful, I believe nothing will happen." .

As a pharmacist, Qingfu also knows about this matter, just like when they entered the space before, they accidentally drank the water in the lake, and the spiritual power of others was quickly locked, but only hers, Affected a lot slower.

Seeing that Qingfu said the same thing, Jun Qingruo had no choice but to nod, "Miss, you are well, I will protect the law for you." After speaking, Jun Qingruo drew out his long sword and began to look around vigilantly.

Xue Luoyue's heart was warm, if Jun Qing must have forgotten, signing a contract with this scorpion king is equivalent to having a group of scorpions for protection, and she does not need her guardian.

But Xue Luoyue didn't say, "Okay, I'll trouble you." After speaking, she stretched out her hand in the direction of the Scorpion King.

The Scorpion King understood, raised his tail, and slammed into Xue Luoyue's arm.

In an instant, Xue Luoyue felt nauseated, spinning and vomiting. She didn't expect the poison to be so powerful, even stronger than the venom of the cobra she experienced in the middle of the 21st century.

In just an instant, she felt difficulty breathing, her face turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead. Xue Luoyue bit her mouth tightly, and then sat cross-legged on the ground.

At this time, even if he is heavily poisoned, he still can't see any embarrassment.

Jun Qingruo took the sword seriously to protect Xue Luoyue, and Qing Fu also looked around vigilantly, and at the same time stared closely at the group of scorpions.

I'm afraid that those scorpions will bite Xue Luoyue again and it will be troublesome.

Generally speaking, although scorpions are of the same type, the toxins in their bodies are slightly different. Some people may not be fatal if the scorpion bites them, but if they are bitten by another scorpion, they will definitely die .

Because of Curcuma, new toxins are produced.

Unfortunately, few people know this.

"Sister, sister, why are you poisoned? I'll help you detoxify." Linglong in the space sensed it when Xue Luoyue was poisoned. She thought that Xue Luoyue would take the detoxification pill soon, or call her for help, but she didn't expect Xue Luoyue actually wanted to let the venom flow all over her body.

This immediately made Linglong feel worried.

"Linglong, no need, sister is fine." Xue Luoyue refused Linglong to detoxify her. Although she could be invulnerable to all poisons because of Linglong, it was also because of Linglong.

However, there are so many poisons in this world, who knows if Linglong can undo all of them, let alone she doesn't want to completely rely on Linglong.

She is a pharmacist, so she should have someone who can detoxify herself. If she can't detoxify, then let it be ineffective. This is what she thinks now.

(End of this chapter)

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