Chapter 961

Because Xue Luoyue had her eyes closed, she didn't see the Zijin Stone begin to emit a trace of aura, and slowly moved towards the two adjacent Zijin Stones.

The old man watching from the side nodded in satisfaction. He didn't expect to understand it so quickly, and he was able to apply what he had learned. He was happier than when he first learned how to form formations.

The old man did not disturb Xue Luoyue, but watched quietly.

When Xue Luoyue needs it, he just reminds her.

At this moment, when the spiritual power emitted by Xue Luoyue's five purple gold stones was about to connect, they didn't connect, but just a little bit away.

Xue Luoyue in the formation couldn't help frowning, what's going on, is there something wrong?Why do I feel that there is a very strong and rear wall blocking me and I can't move forward.

The old man frowned, but did not speak.

This kind of thing needs to be understood by Xue Luoyue herself, so that she can go deeper.

Frowning to hear any advice from the old man, the clever Xue Luoyue understood that this time she had to rely on herself.

Trying to recall when the old man formed the formation, it was so casual, as if it was a matter of course, as if the spiritual power in the two purple gold stones attracted each other.

They are attracted to each other, by the way, the spiritual power is hers, so they can naturally feel each other.

Thinking in this way, Xue Luoyue no longer artificially pushed the spiritual power away from each other, but slowly approached to both sides like a guide.

Suddenly, the obstacle that imprisoned the forward speed suddenly disappeared.

The five purple gold stones were connected together, flashing fiercely, as if echoing, and then, Xue Luoyue felt a spiritual energy covering herself.

For a moment, the old man standing outside was a little fuzzy, and then he became normal again.

"Apprentice, you did a good job, you succeeded." The old man outside looked at Xue Luoyue, and said in admiration, he had never seen someone who was able to successfully form a formation for the first time.

Even he started to try after thoroughly understanding the books, and he failed many times because of this.

As for Xue Luoyue, she was able to understand most of it after watching him by herself, which is really rare.

After Xue Luoyue listened, she took a step forward, roughly walking the distance where she placed the Zijin Stone.

She felt a cool sensation, a bit like a cobweb covering her face, and walked out.

Looking back, there is nothing in my place, only a few ordinary stones, but the stone platforms are placed unnaturally, and the distance between them is still very close, and it can be seen that they are a circle.

Xue Luoyue curled her lips, a little dissatisfied, success is success, but it is easy to see flaws.

This made her, who strives for the best, have the desire to conquer, and in the future, people will not be able to see the flaws! .

As if seeing that Xue Luoyue was dissatisfied with her achievements just now, the old man shook his head helplessly. He is still a very demanding person, "Practice slowly, you will be fine."

The old man couldn't help but praise that Xue Luoyue's intelligence and serious study were beyond his imagination.

He felt that Xue Luoyue would be able to learn everything he gave her in a short time, and it would be very fast.

He had a premonition, and this premonition was there at the speed Xue Luoyue was setting up.

"I know, thank you master, by the way, master, how do you break the formation?" Xue Luoyue looked at the old man, she forgot how to break the formation.

"Enter again, find your purple gold stone, just move one of them casually." The old man pointed to the place where Xue Luoyue's formation was.

(End of this chapter)

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