The arrogant emperor is a god pit

Chapter 936 Conspiracy 1

Chapter 936 Conspiracy 1
The young man in black glared at He Lanjiu.

However, He Lanjiu's hood covered most of his face, pretending that he didn't see the boy's secondary illness attack.

He Lanjiu said again: "It's better for three people to work together than to struggle alone. If he falls down, it will be your turn next." The truth is very simple, but it is often easy to be overlooked.

Both the black-robed boy and the green-clothed girl looked bad.

They couldn't refute what He Lanjiu said.

The siblings looked at each other, and then they separated instantly, one on the left and one on the right, and circled half a circle around the battlefield.The black-robed boy took out a giant black bow and a sharp arrow feather, put it on, pulled up the arrow string, and aimed it at the black-cloaked man precisely.The girl in Tsing Yi also took out a long emerald green whip, and cooperated with the boy in black, standing at different angles, waiting for the opportunity to sneak attack!
Seeing this, He Lanjiu's eyes lit up.

Daoist Yujing sighed, "Both are smart children."

Maybe he has a bad temper, confident and arrogant, but his nature is not bad, he knows how to judge the situation at a young age, let go of his airs, and put the overall situation first.Sure enough, it was rumored that every silver-haired member of the Helan family was an amazing talent.Soon, it was confirmed that the rumor was true.The bow of the black-robed boy is not simple.The girl's long whip also has another mystery.

When the two of them put on a stance ready to sneak attack at any time, the man in the black cloak suddenly slowed down his frequent attacks, and was fully on guard.

Dongfang Chen got a moment to breathe.

This situation is somewhat similar to just now.However, the positions of the two sides are reversed.

Not long ago, a man in a black cloak stood beside the battlefield, waiting for a sneak attack.

Now it's Feng Shui's turn, it's the opponent's turn, stand aside and wait for him to sneak attack!

Just when the man in the cloak was about to take Dongfang Chen's blow, he turned slightly sideways. At this moment, he felt a dangerous attack from the left, and he fell back quickly by instinct, whoosh!I only vaguely felt a breeze passing by, and then, not far away, suddenly an arrow feather appeared out of thin air, circled around, and returned to the black-robed boy again.

The hairs all over the man in the cloak stand on end!
If you still don't understand what happened to the passing breeze just now, then your life is in vain!Just now, if he hadn't dodged in time, that arrow would have penetrated his throat enough!
What frightened the cloaked man even more was that the sharp arrow was sent out, it appeared by his side through the air, and he was able to become invisible!There is not much time for him to think about it.For a moment of astonishment, Dongfang Chen and a long whip like a dragon and a snake, one made a frontal move, and the other secretly attacked!The angles are different, and what scares the man in the cloak the most is that there is an arrow feather lurking in the dark, waiting to kill him!

He Lanjiu was very excited when he saw it.

kill him!kill him!

Her only thought at the moment is to kill the man in the cloak!
The man in the cloak jumped backwards, and suddenly, he fell back seventy to eighty feet, stepping on the yellow sand. However, when his feet just touched the sand, suddenly, he flashed back to the right at an incredible speed. , fled from the spot, followed, boom!There was an explosion at the original place, causing yellow sand to fly.

But when the man in the cloak thought he was dodging a blow, his feet stepped on the yellow sand, but there was another explosion under his feet!
This time the explosion caused a little trouble for the man in the cloak!

But that black cloak is obviously extraordinary, blocking all the superimposed impact of the blasting talisman explosion!

(End of this chapter)

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