Chapter 466
Hong Sizhu also found that she was too eager, but she shouldn't be so anxious.Therefore, she hurriedly smiled sarcastically and closed her mouth.

Yun Qianyou glanced at her, didn't ask anything, but turned to Lu Rourou.

"What's wrong?"

Lu Rourou was very anxious, "Do you know any powerful doctor? My grandpa has an accident! Some people say that we can save my grandpa only by finding the purple green cage plant."

"Purple green cage plant?"

As soon as Yun Qianyou heard the name, she knew what happened to Lu Rourou's grandfather.

It must be a madness, with chaotic qi and blood.

"Is there no one in your family to save your grandfather?"

"Yes." Lu Rourou nodded, "But, I'm afraid that my uncle won't put his heart into saving my grandfather!"

"What's going on here?" Hong Sizhu couldn't help asking again, "Why isn't your uncle willing to save?"

Lu Rourou glanced at Hong Sizhu, although she was puzzled, but this was not the time to clarify, "If my grandfather is not here, the position of Patriarch will belong to my uncle!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone understood what she meant.

"Qianyou, can you do me a favor and find the doctor?" Lu Rourou turned to look at Yun Qianyou again, and begged, "If I can save my grandfather, I will do anything!"

Seeing Lu Rourou's eager and sincere appearance, Yun Qianyou pursed her lips tightly.

"Miss, you can help her."

Unexpectedly but expected, it was Hong Sizhu who spoke.

Hong Sizhu's eager face was not inferior to Lu Rourou's at all.

Although Lu Rourou didn't understand why Hong Sizhu pleaded for her, but she was very grateful for someone standing on her side.

She glanced at Hong Sizhu gratefully, then turned to Yun Qianyou and begged: "Qianyou, please do me this favor! How much money does it cost, I will give it to you when my grandfather is well!"

Yun Qianyou didn't think about this issue.

"You said that your uncle will not save your grandfather with all his heart, so will he hinder other people's treatment?"

Lu Rourou froze, if it was true, it would definitely be!

"If your uncle says that the people you brought back are no good, then what will you do?" Yun Qianyou pointed out the problem.

"Then what should we do?" Lu Rourou was so anxious that tears almost fell out.

"Miss, I know you will be able to solve it." Hong Sizhu said from the side, "Please help!"

Hong Sizhu followed suit, which surprised Lu Rourou.

Who is this aunt?How could she care so much about her grandpa?
"You want me to save you too?" Yun Qianyou looked at Hong Sizhu and asked, her eyes were piercing, as if she was about to see something.

Hong Sizhu lowered her eyes, avoiding her penetrating gaze, but she still made up her mind, "Yes, miss, please help!"

Yun Qianyou stared at her for a while, and finally nodded, "That's fine, I'll save you!"

Although Lu Rourou didn't know what Yun Qianyou meant, she knew that Yun Qianyou was willing to help!

Thinking of this, she became very excited, "Thank you, thank you! Thank you so much, I will never forget your great kindness!"

"However, you have to make sure that other people will not disturb you during the treatment."

The situation in this family is different from what Yun Qianyou encountered before.

When she treated others before, she didn't encounter too much resistance, and everyone will work hard to cooperate.

But this time is different.

If Lu Rourou's uncle is really unwilling to save her grandfather with all his heart, it will definitely hinder other people's treatment.

At this time, it is easy to fight with them.

It's okay to fight, if they push the cause of Patriarch Lu's death to them, it will be a trap.

Therefore, Yun Qianyou must make Lu Rourou handle this well.

Lu Rourou also understood this. She pursed her lips and thought for a while, then gritted her teeth and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of it! But, which master should we ask for help?"


Lu Rourou was taken aback by Yun Qianyou's words, her eyes blinked unconsciously, and then she was dumbfounded, "Who are you talking about?"

"Our young lady will definitely be able to rescue your grandfather!" Guan Jin, who was at the side, finally found a chance to speak, and said proudly.

Lu Rourou was dumbfounded, "Are you guys joking?"

She was dying of anxiety, but they were joking with her!Isn't this crazy!
"Who's joking with you?" Guan Jin snorted, "Our lady is amazing, isn't she! You are very lucky to have our lady in action."

When he was going here to look for Yun Qianyou just now, he happened to meet Lu Rourou who was running around in the street.Knowing that she needed to find Yun Qianyou for something, he brought her here.

Now, Yun Qianyou agreed to help her save her grandfather, this is already a great fortune, she is still here to doubt it!

"Okay, don't worry if our lady is here!" Guan Jin said, patting his chest.

For him, as long as Yun Qianyou is willing to act, everything can be solved.

He is also blindly confident in Yun Qianyou now.

Yun Qianyou glanced at him, but said nothing.

Seeing that Lu Rourou was still in such a hurry, Hong Sizhu also said, "Don't worry, as long as our lady takes action, your grandpa will definitely be fine."

Both of them said that, and the strong self-confidence finally infected Lu Rourou.

Although she didn't know what Yun Qianyou was capable of, Yun Qianyou was a very special person, so she couldn't reason about it normally.

Moreover, since she came to the door and he promised to help, he naturally had to trust him.

So, Lu Rourou's face changed for a while, but she still made up her mind, "Okay! I believe in you!"

"Then... shall we leave now?"

"Okay, let's go now."

So, a group of people set off in a hurry.

Along the way, several people discussed the next situation.

Seeing Hong Sizhu's anxious appearance, Yun Qianyou also had an idea in his heart, but he had to wait for this matter to pass before he could confirm it.

When he arrived at Lu's house, Guan Jin knocked on the door first, saying that he wanted to visit Patriarch Lu.

The Patriarch is now in a coma, how can he see him?

However, Guan Jin is the young master of the Guan family, and his father is a sheriff, so his status is unusual, so the concierge immediately reported to Lu Zhengling.

Lu Zhengling knew that Guan Jin came to the door, although he was puzzled, he still came out.

How do you say that he is also the young master of the Guan family, so there might be something special about him?
When Lu Zhengling and Guan Jin met, Lu Rourou led Yun Qianyou and the others through the back door.

After going around a few times, they finally arrived at Patriarch Lu's room.

After Lu Rourou sent everyone else away, Yun Qianyou and the others were allowed to enter.

When Hong Sizhu saw the old man with wrinkled skin and gray hair on the bed, complex emotions flashed in Hong Sizhu's eyes.

Yun Qianyou didn't have time to think so much now, but stepped forward a few steps and took out her own things.

(End of this chapter)

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