Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 100 Selling a girl for glory [3]

Chapter 100 Selling a girl for glory [3]

snort!Sure enough, everything is only for his own sake!
Hua Xi outside the door has been listening calmly, there is no pain in her dark eyes.

It's just that there is still a slight pain in my heart, which is probably the instinctive reaction of Mo Huaxi's body.

My own father!
Ling'er grabbed Hua Xi's hand and sobbed softly.

"Don't cry!" Hua Xi said coldly, her voice was full of cruelty and majesty, which stopped Ling'er's crying all at once.

The corner of Hua Xi's mouth twitched slightly, but she smiled instead.

A smile bloomed on his face, it was really overwhelming, no one could resist such a beauty.

She raised her slender white hand and knocked lightly on the door twice.

"Father, I'm Hua Xi." At this moment, what does the word 'father' mean to her?

Mo Qingtian also deserves to be a father?

The people inside didn't seem to expect that she would come so soon, they were startled, afraid that she might hear something, they immediately opened the door.

"Miss San is here!" Aunt Shui smiled charmingly.

Seeing Hua Xi now, I want to see her daughter's blossoming future, of course she is in a good mood, and greets her with a smile.

Hua Xi also lowered her head and smiled, with a little shyness of a girl, pushed the bell and said, "Didn't mother tell you to go back to look good? Hurry up."

"Yes." Ling'er is obedient to her now and dare not disobey.

She knows that the young lady is different from before, and the young lady will definitely have a countermeasure for this matter!

Aunt Shui hurriedly looked at Hua Xi's expression, and saw that her expression was as usual, except for her slightly pale skin, there was nothing different.

It seems that she didn't hear what she said just now.

It's good that way, without anyone noticing, so as not to cause trouble.

"Come in, master has been waiting for you." Aunt Shui said friendly.

Hua Xi walked in and saw Mo Qingtian majesticly standing beside the desk, serious and unsmiling.

If you hadn't just stood outside the door and heard it, how would you have thought of what they were doing inside?

Suppressing the smile on the corner of his mouth, Hua Xi bowed his knees to say hello, "Father is well."

Mo Qingtian sized her up and made sure she didn't hear anything just now.

How can you be so calm if you hear it?
After all, she is only a 14-year-old girl, and she can't hide her thoughts on her face.

Mo Qingtian thought he knew his daughter well, how could he know that Hua Xi, who was standing in front of him now, was so thoughtful that he had plotted against the entire Mo family?
"Is your injury healed?" Mo Qingtian asked with concern, showing a fatherly look.

Hua Xi sneered in his heart, it really was the weasel who gave the chicken New Year greetings!

"It's much better," she whispered.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 98, and Chapter 99 have also been revised, you can look back.

ps: Answer the questions and send the "Feng Ni Tian Tian" physical autograph book or 20000 Yunqi book coins. The question is in Chapter 1~Q: Why did the Seventh Prince save Mo Huaxi?

The correct answer is in the book, it will not be found in a while, it is buried deep.

Find the answer in the following text, the first one who finds the answer and takes a screenshot on @老路 on Sina Weibo, can get a complete set of "Feng Ni Tian Xia" physical autograph book, four volumes, eight volumes!Or 20000 Yunqi book coins~
Old Road Weibo: Lufei Road King
(End of this chapter)

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