Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1032 The Romance of the Dead [7]

Chapter 1032 The Romance of the Dead [7]

"My lord, she is already dead. I've heard people say that death is like a lamp being extinguished. No matter what happened in the past, she will never affect you in the future."

Ah Li's thinking is still very optimistic, the dead are the dead, anyway, it's the past.

"Death is never the end." Wujiang squinted his eyes and said profoundly, "Reincarnation, the reincarnation of life after life, will not end when she really comes back."

Ah Li couldn't understand even more, "Reincarnation?"

"Maybe in reincarnation, I can still meet her." Wujiang pulled up his cloak and wrapped himself up again.

A Li stared at him blankly, and suddenly asked: "My lord, is that the person you love?"

Wujiang was startled, but did not answer, and fell silent for a long time.

Ah Li knew that he had crossed the line and asked questions that shouldn't be asked, so he must be angry...

Biting his lip, Ah Li went out silently, picked up some dry firewood and came back, saving it for lighting the fire at night.

Watching her busy, Hua Xi, who stayed out of the matter, fell into a long silence just like Wu Jiang.

The most powerful protoss in history... the one who hurt Wujiang must be the previous emperor.

She heard about it from Xiutiejian.

To offend the previous emperor, Wujiang's past life, is also a very powerful character!
At that time, the previous emperor had passed away for more than 100 years.

If there is reincarnation, it should be reincarnation once.

What kind of complicated grievances and hatreds are there?

Hua Xi felt powerless, because she could only watch like this, but couldn't ask anything.

Another night, Ah Li caught a pheasant outside and roasted it on the fire. After the roast was finished, he tore off the fattest chicken leg and gave it to him to eat.

Wujiang didn't even look at it, "I don't eat."

A Li had no choice but to take it back and eat in silence by himself.

After a long time, he said, "Girl."

"My lord, my name is A Li!" A Li said quickly, wanting to tell him his name.

Wujiang didn't seem to pay any attention to her, and just asked to himself: "Are you working in a mining farm?"

"En!" Ah Li nodded heavily, not hiding anything from him.

"Have you seen the mine owner's daughter?" Wujiang asked.

"Miss?" Ah Li shook his head, "No one has ever seen her in the mining field. I heard that she is weak and sick. She is sick in bed all year round and never goes out."

"Really..." Wujiang sighed.

"My lord, you need my help. Does it have something to do with the young lady?" Ah Li is not stupid, she is actually very smart, otherwise, she would not have lived in such darkness until today.


Hearing that he directly admitted, Ah Li was a little uneasy, "My lord, what do you want to do to the eldest lady?"

The mine owner bought her back and didn't treat her as a human being. A Li hated the mine owner very much.

However, after all, the eldest lady has not done anything to her, her hatred has not been transferred to the eldest lady.

"Are you afraid that I will eat her?" Wujiang sneered sinisterly.

This kind of boundlessness is completely different from the boundlessness of compassion and purity after 9000 years.

It's strange, how could they be connected?

"Of course not." Ah Li scratched his head in embarrassment, "My lord, you have reasons for everything you do."

"A Li, you can go back to the mining field tonight." Wujiang said suddenly.

A second ago, Ah Li was secretly happy because he called his name, but in the next second, he seemed to be sent to hell.

(End of this chapter)

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