Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1035 The Romance of the Dead [10]

Chapter 1035 The Romance of the Dead [10]

"Is it really possible?" The eldest lady was moved.

"Of course, he can even revive the dead. I used to be ugly, but after taking the elixir he gave me, I became very beautiful."

"I..." The eldest lady was hesitating, wondering whether she should believe her or not.

"Miss, I'll come at night and take you out secretly, how about it?"

The eldest lady hesitated for a long time, and was finally encouraged by her, "Okay."

Very good!
Ah Li left heartily, thinking about how to take the eldest lady out at night.

But as soon as she went out, someone knocked heavily on the back of her head, her vision went dark, and Ah Li fell to the ground, not knowing anything.

Hua Xi's eyes flickered, and she couldn't see the person who did it, but she suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Suddenly, she heard someone say: "You shouldn't interfere with her fate."

The voice was very clear and distant, as if it came from a distant place.

After a while, someone slowly said: "She can't go out, her identity will be discovered."

Hua Xi felt like a blow to the head, such an elegant and gorgeous voice...

"Dijun, do you want her to end her life safely? You are wrong. She will not end well in every life, and your interference will only make her fate worse."

"I will protect her."

"Your protection can only delay her death and make her miserable."

A piece of purple robe slipped by, and Chong Xi's figure slowly appeared beside Ah Li.

Hua Xi's heart beat fast.

How could it be Chongxi?

He appeared here again. Could it be that the eldest she the same as Chen Xiangmeng, her previous life?

Soon it will be evening.

The late night in the mining field is always so quiet. The workers who have worked hard all day don't have any other entertainment in mind and fall asleep early.

But this night, a drunk worker ran into the backyard by mistake.

In the mining field without women, everyone heard that the mine owner had a daughter who lived alone in the backyard all year round, and no one cared about her.

After drinking tonight, the worker boldly broke into the young lady's attic.

Then there was a miserable and frightening cry, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"Monster! Monster!" The worker woke up from the drunkenness and stumbled out of the attic.

The screams naturally woke up many people.

The story of monsters has been circulated in the mining field for a long time, and workers would disappear inexplicably from time to time, and it was rumored that they were captured by monsters.

Could it be that a monster broke into the eldest lady's attic tonight?
Countless workers ran in taking advantage of the chaos, and the mine owner ordered people to stop them, but they couldn't stop them.

The small attic was crowded with countless workers.

"Where is the monster? If you catch it, you must kill it!"

"I don't know how many people have been harmed by this scourge, so we must catch it!"

The drunk worker collapsed in the yard, stammered and pointed to the attic and said, "Monster, I saw the monster inside! It's Missy!"

"Nonsense!" The mine owner yelled, "Get out of here, or none of you will get paid!"

The group of workers were frightened and dumbfounded, and after realizing it, they were all furious.

"It turns out that the eldest lady is a monster! So many people died before, all of them were done by the eldest lady!"

"Hmph! The mine owner recruited us, probably not for mining, but for feeding his daughter!"

(End of this chapter)

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