Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1049 Seeing the Ghost King for the First Time [4]

Chapter 1049 Seeing the Ghost King for the First Time [4]

Wujiang's expression was still very calm, and he couldn't see any unnecessary emotions.

He glanced at Hua Xi, finally nodded and said: "Okay, let's say goodbye here."

Originally, I wanted to accompany her on the last stretch of the road, but forget it.

"Boundless, practice hard."

"You too."

The two nodded slightly, turned around in a tacit understanding, and walked in different directions.

White ribbons floating in the air, dancing with the wind.

After parting like this, will there be a chance to meet again?

Or, when we meet again, are we still the same as we are now?
"Hua Xi!" Wu Jiang suddenly turned around and shouted at her back.

In the dark night, his snow-white cassock fluttered so dazzlingly.

Hua Xi turned around slowly, stood where she was, and looked at him motionless.

"I'm a Buddhist disciple, but I violated the precepts and fell in love with you. I know it's wrong! You don't like me, and I shouldn't pester you, so I... chose to convert to Buddhism again, and I won't bother you in the future. "He said in one breath.

A smile slowly appeared on Hua Xi's face. Although she was far away, she saw the sincerity of the light in Wu Jiang's eyes.

"Hua Xi..." Wujiang said slowly, "I hope you live well."

"En!" Hua Xi nodded heavily, "You too, don't let your master down again."

"I will forget you." Wujiang lowered his eyes, "I want to become a Buddha and return to the right way."

"You will become a Buddha!" ​​Hua Xi said loudly, "I have always believed in you and never doubted it!"

Wujiang nodded and turned around resolutely, "Then... goodbye!"

"Goodbye!" Hua Xi looked at his back, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

This time, he should really leave.

Wujiang, let go of the distracting thoughts in your heart, and you will surely become a Buddha.

Even if you were a demon in your previous life, in this life, you have converted to Buddhism.

Hua Xi lowered her head and smiled slowly, resolving a knot in her heart and feeling much more at ease.

All the tasks she came to the ghost world have been completed, Zhao Ke and the others should have successfully reincarnated, although A Li disappeared and did not tell her where Zhao Ke and the others reincarnated.

However, she believed in A Li, she was a pure girl, she would send Zhao Ke and the others into the best human reincarnation.

That's fine, there's no need to know where Zhao Ke went, anyway, they drank Mengpo soup, and they won't remember what happened in their previous life.

She doesn't have to bother, hoping they can live in peace.

Hua Xi took a deep breath, took out the black cloak and put it on, pulled up the brim of the hat, and prepared to go to the Huangquan River along the way.

I don't know how long she has been in a coma, and whether the merchant ship from the devil world will stay.

But judging from her hunger, the coma should not exceed three hours.

Hua Xi walked quickly in the ghost world, and most of the ghosts were also strange, so no one noticed her strange clothes.

Originally, I wanted to see the Life and Death Book, but after what happened to Chen Xiang and the others, there are heavy soldiers guarding the area, so it is almost impossible to go in.

Hua Xi gave up this plan.

Seeing that he was about to go out, he suddenly saw a group of ghost soldiers outside forming a barrier on the road, leading to the outside road, every passing ghost had to pass through the barrier.

Hua Xi's footsteps stopped and his mind turned. They must have discovered that there were people breaking in, so let's check one by one.
Tomorrow the ghost king will show his first clue, guess who it will be~
(End of this chapter)

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