Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1069 Autumn Achievements [3]

Chapter 1069 Thousands of Achievements [3]

Hua Xi pursed her lips, Feng Ling grabbed Feng Lan's hand and dragged her out: "Okay! Don't mess around, go back!"

"Brother! Do you really want her to stay in Feng Yu?" Feng Lan asked in tears.

"You don't need to worry about these things!" Feng Ling said sharply.

"Okay! I don't care! Wait until she makes the Devil Realm miserable in the future, and you can regret it later!" Feng Lan turned around and ran away after finishing speaking.

Feng Ling stood at the door, took a few breaths, then walked in, looked at Hua Xi: "Have you finished eating?"

No time to rest at all...

Hua Xi said helplessly, "Eat well."

"Go on." Feng Ling didn't look at her too much, but just picked up a pile of drawings on the table.

"Young Master Feng Ling, are you really not afraid that I will return to the Demon Realm with ulterior motives?" Hua Xi asked.

"Do you doubt my judgment?" Feng Ling stared at her coldly.

The corner of Hua Xi's mouth raised, and she smiled slightly: "I admire someone like Mr. Feng Ling very much. You put the treasure on me. I really hope that your decision is right."

Feng Ling turned his dark eyes slightly, looked at the drawing, and stopped talking.

The project of building the canal is too huge. After all, it is not only difficult but also very risky to divert the water from the Huangquan River.

Huang Quanhe's position in the Demon Realm is like a terrifying god that no one can shake.

It is very difficult to build dams and canals in such a rushing river.

For such a huge project, the five domains must be united. If successful, there will be a large area of ​​arable land in the Demon Realm.

If it is not successful, it is not a small loss.

Feng Ling asked Hua Xi to draw the detailed blueprints, and he would send people to each domain to ask the five domain owners to make a decision together.

Hua Xi has dabbled in construction and water conservancy projects, but after all, it is still very difficult to actually implement them.

We can only improve the blueprint as much as possible. There are also skilled craftsmen in the Demon Realm, who will improve it according to the actual terrain.

Hua Xi didn't close his eyes for three days and three nights in a row. He read all the topographic data of the Demon Realm sent by Feng Ling, and then made actual revisions.

When the detailed drawings were completed, Hua Xi was too tired to keep her eyes open, so she lay down on the table and fell asleep.

In the past, even if she assassinated anyone without closing her eyes for three days and three nights, she would not feel so tired. Brain work is really scary.

Feng Ling came in to pick up the blueprints, and saw her falling asleep on her stomach, her eyes were black and blue, and her face was resting on a pile of discarded blueprints, stained with a lot of ink.

He was still holding the pen in his hand, and the tip of the pen almost poked his eyes.

With a slight movement in his heart, Feng Ling took the pen in her hand away calmly, then thought for a while, took off the cloak on his body, covered her, and then took the blueprint and left.

When Hua Xi woke up, when she saw the cloak on her body, she was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

In fact, people's hearts are subject to change, no matter how hard the heart is, it will melt for a while.

Hua Xi put away the cloak and went out. She hadn't been out for several days, and it was still daytime. Looking up at the sky in the Demon Realm, it was still cloudy, but there was a little sunlight seeping through.

The light shone on the face, and there was a feeling of being far away.

Chong Xi, you are in charge of the sun, the moon and the stars. Did you let the sunlight shine through the hazy sky in the devil world?
If Feng Ling can persuade the domain owners of the other four domains to build water canals on the Huangquan River, then the five domains will unite, and the demon world may have a new day.

(End of this chapter)

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