Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 107 Beauty’s Trick [2]

Chapter 107 Beauty’s Trick [2]

Hua Xi's figure, squatting like a cat under the dark eaves, her black night clothes are not burdensome at all, and her face is covered with a black cloth, only revealing a pair of cold and sharp eyes!

In front, where the lights are bright, is the most prominent family in Jialan City.

Pingnan Palace!

Resplendent pavilions, palaces with ever-changing lights.

That's what she's aiming for tonight!
After staring coldly, Hua Xi's figure suddenly disappeared in place like a falcon, with a 'whoosh' sound!
The night was so quiet that no one would notice the ghostly figure.

The layout of Pingnan Palace is too big, Hua Xi has never been there before, so every step is cautious.

Although King Pingnan was also a person like Jiang Shijie, he had a good life and was reborn in the womb of his wife.

However, although he has no great skills, he has great skills and methods in recruiting talents.

For so many years, countless masters have taken refuge in King Pingnan's sect.

King Pingnan was also happy to raise a group of masters to work for him, which also made the prestige of Prince Pingnan's mansion flourish.

However, after what happened to Jiang Shijie, King Pingnan was furious, and sent all his masters out to catch the person who cast the spell!
Therefore, the current palace is much easier than usual.

It is already late at night, and every household is resting, but the lights of Pingnan Palace are still on.

Hua Xi also noticed that there were many well-trained guards in the dark.

These hidden guards are obviously not at the same level as other guards!

how?Is there still such a master in Pingnan Palace?

Before Hua Xi could figure it out, she heard a scream breaking the silence of the night.

"Ah—it hurts so much! Aunt Huang, save me! Aunt Huang——"

"Shut up! Do you want to make a fuss in the middle of the night?" A woman's angry shout sounded, very majestic.

Immediately, Jiang Shijie, who was howling like ghosts and wolves just now, became quiet obediently.

Aunt Huang?
The current queen is the younger sister of King Pingnan. It seems that the queen is here tonight.

No wonder there are so many well-trained secret guards in the palace, each of them looks very troublesome.

Hua Xi couldn't help curling her lips, it's really unlucky, she chose Pingnan Palace to attack tonight, who knew she would run into the queen?
Mo Huaxi had never met the queen, because in his memory, he was completely unfamiliar with the queen.

But judging from the queen's promise to the prince and Mo Qianxue's engagement, the queen doesn't seem to be bad.

At least, she thought that Mo Qianxue was the prince's savior, and regardless of whether Mo Qianxue was born as a concubine, she agreed to her marriage with the prince.

And after that, he didn't rely on the power of the royal family to force Mo Qingtian to straighten Aunt Luo and give Mo Qianxue a legitimate daughter-in-law status.

Judging from this point alone, it seems that the queen is not bad, at least she is also a sensible person.

She will come tonight, maybe because she is worried about her nephew.

Hua Xi was not interested in listening to their family affairs, and only wanted to know where the treasury of Pingnan Palace was.

She turned her head and was about to arrest someone quietly for questioning, but at this moment, she heard Lao Pingnan Wang's angry roar.

"It must be Young Master Ji Yue! In the ashes of the spell that fell from Shijie's body, there is also the spiritual power of Young Master Ji Yue! At this time, every spell master will leave a mark on the spell, which cannot be mistaken!"

Sure enough, I guessed the young master Ji Yue!
Hua Xi couldn't help but raised the corners of her lips, that guy got into trouble with her twice in a row, which just happened to make him suffer a bit!

Live it!

(End of this chapter)

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