Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1078 Lord of Light [3]

Chapter 1078 Lord of Light [3]

I'm so thirsty, I can't help it.

Holding the teapot, she staggered out to find water, walking slowly, and there was a wind blowing in front of her.

Hua Xi looked forward, it turned out that the tall building she was in now, after walking out, she could overlook most of Feng Yu's land.

She looked back to see, isn't this Fengling's bedroom?It turned out that during the time she was poisoned, she had been living here with Feng Ling.

Hua Xi walked slowly to the corridor, suddenly startled.

Because in the wind area at this moment, from a distance, there are people.

Countless lights, one by one, were carefully held in their hands, facing her direction.

Hua Xi was startled, what are those people doing?
"They are demons from all over the world, and they all come to pray for you." Feng Lan suddenly walked over, stood beside her, and said coldly.

"The demon world is very dark. For thousands of years, many demons have believed that if many lights can be lit in the demon world, the gods living in the nine heavens will definitely see it, and the god king will hear their wishes. "

Feng Lan mockingly said that she disdains the ignorance of those low-level demons.

As a demon, it is really embarrassing to pray for the favor of the gods!

Hua Xi stared blankly at the tens of thousands of lights, so many demons could appear together.

"You're very proud, aren't you? You used clean water to easily bribe all the demons." Feng Lan said mockingly.

"Lan'er." Feng Ling's voice sounded, and Hua Xi glanced back.

Feng Ling walked over with stern eyebrows and eyes, his face was a little pale, but it didn't affect his gloomy and cold aura in the slightest.

"Young Master Feng Ling, thank you for saving me this time." Hua Xi said.

"Don't thank me, everything I do is for the demon world." Feng Ling leaned on the railing with one hand, looking at the demons below, "For thousands of years, the demons of the five major domains can be united like this People, only you."

"Why did this happen?" Hua Xi didn't understand, she just taught them a very simple thing.

Why did this little thing have such an impact.

Feng Ling said coldly: "Probably, you let them see hope."


"The devil world is like a vast and boundless darkness. It has not changed for thousands of years. Your appearance may have brought a ray of light. Even though it is very faint now, it is very yearning." Feng Ling said.

"Hmph, those demons say that she is the Lord of Light." Feng Lan said sarcastically, "It's so funny!"

"What is the Lord of Light?" Hua Xi asked.

"The Lord of Light is a legend that has been passed down in the Demon Realm for thousands of years. She will appear in the Demon Realm, turning rivers into clear water and desolate land into thousands of hectares of fertile land. She will pierce the haze over the Demon Realm and let the sun The moon and the stars illuminate the land of the Demon Realm."

Feng Lang looked forward, his voice was full of longing, and his immature face was also full of expectations.

The legend of the Lord of Light is a hope in the hearts of all the demons. No matter how dark and poor they are, they will believe that one day, this person will come.

As in the legend, she will bring the supreme favor to the demon world.

But Feng Lan didn't believe that the legend would be related to Hua Xi at all!

How could it be her? Others don't know, but she knows! !

This woman has no special abilities at all, she is just a dirty hybrid mixed with human blood! ! ——
(End of this chapter)

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