Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1103 Maleficent Curse [2]

Chapter 1103 Maleficent Curse [2]

How strange that there is not even a single person in this huge underground pantheon?
So why build it?
When the red-clothed demons come down, they won't have anything to do with Jiyuan, right?

If you meet Jiyuan here...

Countless thoughts flashed through Hua Xi's mind, how to deal with it, she calculated clearly one by one, thinking about the way to deal with it!
Suddenly, the front suddenly opened up.


Hua Xi raised his head and saw the words 'Condemnation Cloud Palace' written on the golden plaque above, and his beating heart calmed down a little.

The gate of Condemn Cloud Palace was open, she stepped in and looked around, the suffocating silence gave her a strange feeling in her heart.

so depressing...

Why do you feel the urge to cry as soon as you come in?
The sadness in my heart spread almost uncontrollably.

How is this going?

She looked back at Feng Ling, and saw that his face was cold and serious, his handsome face was gloomy, and he didn't seem to be affected in the slightest.

Men really are men, aren't they different from women?

Is his heart so much colder than hers?

Hua Xi also couldn't figure out where her sadness came from.

Taking a deep breath and sorting out her emotions a bit, she still walked slowly towards the main hall of Duyun Palace.


Suddenly, the Blackwater Xuan Snake in the Beast Sealing Talisman murmured.

Hua Xi's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly asked, "Xiao Hei, what do you feel?"

The black water snake is the summoned beast of the previous demon king. That demon king is His Majesty Jia Ye that Feng Ling said. He should know a lot!
"It's her..." the black water snake said in disbelief, its body crawling in the beast sealing talisman, as if it was very anxious.

"Her? Who is she?"

But the Blackwater Xuan Snake didn't seem to hear her question, and just said: "So she is here, is it really a punishment from God..."

"What do you mean? You fucking made it clear!" Hua Xi roared angrily. He was already irritable at this time, and he said it so ambiguously, clearly trying to drive her crazy!

The black water snake was silent for a while, and then said: "I just feel the breath of my old friend."

"An old friend? An old friend? That's great!" Hua Xi said, acquaintances are easy to handle!
The Black Water Profound Snake circled its body, and fell silent for some reason.

Hua Xi and Feng Ling had already walked into the main hall, a burst of special incense came to their nostrils, Feng Ling quickly covered his mouth and nose.

"This is not poisonous gas." Hua Xi said quickly, feeling even more surprised in his heart.

This incense... seems to be used for preserving corpses.

The decoration of the Condemning Cloud Palace is quite different from that of the Chonghua Palace. The emperors of all dynasties have lived in the Condemnation Palace, and the decorations are all based on their own preferences.

The style here is much more luxurious than that of Chongxi.

Chonghua Palace gives people the feeling of emptiness and loneliness, and echoes can be heard when walking.

But here, it is like a huge museum, full of luxurious and rare treasures.

The blood-red coral several meters high in the main hall alone has already amazed Hua Xi.

In contrast, Chong Xi is not even considered simple, and Chong Hua Palace in Chong Xi can only be said to be shabby...

This underground Pantheon, I don't know how many years, but there is not even a trace of dust inside.

Hua Xi saw a glowing bead in the blood-red coral.

"That's the Bichen Bead, an ancient fetish!" Xiu Tiejian was also attracted by the luxury outside, and sighed, as if he was very envious and liked this style.

(End of this chapter)

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