Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1117 Entering the Demon Realm by Mistake [1]

Chapter 1117 Entering the Demon Realm by Mistake [1]

"Hua Xi, no matter what's outside for a while, don't separate from me."

Feng Ling, who was walking in front, said suddenly.

"Well, it's more convenient to do things together." Hua Xi nodded.

"What I mean is," Feng Ling paused before saying, "Even if it's death, don't separate."

Hua Xi looked at his back in surprise and blinked, never seeing him so pessimistic.

"It's okay, we will definitely come back to the Demon Realm alive. The Xi Canal has just been built, and the Demon Realm will definitely take on a new look. You have a lot of ambitions to fulfill. The history of the Demon Realm will definitely make your name immortal!"

Feng Ling looked back at her, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and that arc was a little gentle.

"Let's go."

The channel for teleporting the spirit array is very long, but it will soon come to an end.

The exit opened the moment they approached, and it was pitch black outside to see anything, but the sound of heavy rain came in all of a sudden.

Rumbling thunder came and went.

"It's raining, be careful!" Hua Xi said loudly, only in this way could Feng Ling hear.

Feng Ling nodded, stepped out, and suddenly tilted his body, as if being pulled out by something.

"Feng Ling!" Hua Xi didn't see well, without any hesitation, she immediately stepped forward and grabbed him.

But for some reason, the force pulling Fengling was so strong, it pulled him out all at once.

"Don't come out!" Feng Ling shouted, Hua Xi's face was suddenly reflected in his eyes, and he quickly disappeared into the passage.

And Hua Xi had already rushed out, and only when she got outside did she hear that rumbling sound was not thunder at all!
That's a rushing flood!
As soon as Feng Ling stepped out, he was entangled by the flood, and he was caught in it before he could be prepared!

Hua Xi stood on the edge of the passage, looking into the darkness, Feng Ling's figure had already been submerged in the flood, and he couldn't see anything!

Heart beating fast, Hua Xi wanted to retreat into the passage to make another plan.

However, this teleportation spirit array also began to slowly disappear from the inside!
It can't be so unlucky!
Hua Xi hurriedly formed a seal, didn't work!

The teleportation spirit array can only be opened by sealing from the inside, it cannot be opened from the outside at all!

No wonder even Jiyuan has to send Huo Zhan to lurk in the Demon Realm, because the entrance under the Huangquan River is the only entrance to the underground Pantheon!

This damn channel happens to be connected to this flooded place!
Hua Xi didn't have time to think about it, the passage had disappeared, and she also fell into the rushing flood!
The body is sealed with Liujia Talisman, plus spiritual body protection!

But the flood carried a lot of things and hit the body hard, it still hurts!
Hua Xi was holding her breath under the water, unable to open her eyes at all in the muddy water, there seemed to be a huge whirlpool at the bottom of the water, pulling her to swim around.

It took only three seconds for her and Feng Ling to fall, so the distance shouldn't be too far!

She didn't know what kind of place this was, but she was sure it wouldn't be the devil world!

It is impossible for the Demon Realm to have such a big flood!

Just now I said not to separate in the passage, but was washed away by the flood in the blink of an eye, what a joke of fate!

Hua Xi got out of the water separately, she has always been good at water, took out the Juque sword, and got out with her body.

Feng Ling should have a way to deal with it, he is also very strong!

"Feng Ling!"

In the rushing flood, no one could hear her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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