Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1150 He is Chong Xi [1]

Chapter 1150 He is Chong Xi [1]

In the next second, all the words were blocked in his throat.

She has never seen Gu Yue cry...

Gu Yue is a person without feelings, and machines will have feelings over time, but she has no feelings at all!

Hua Xi looked at the tears on her face in disbelief.

The hot and humid wind blows the short hair scattered on her forehead, and her eyes look desperate because of tears.

"Can't you hear? All the wind in this world will carry his voice. He is waiting for you to go back. Time is running out."

Hua Xi was stunned for a moment, and slightly let go of the hand holding her shoulder, "What did you say?"

"I would like to turn into the wind and take away your thoughts." She was full of tears.

The lonely moon in front of me seemed to be taken away by something, it was still leaning against the window, but it was getting further and further away.


The sound of things being thrown on the ground and smashed.

In the bright hall, the girl in the wheelchair slammed everything she could touch on her body.

"Get out! I don't want to see you! Get out!"

Seeing the girl's face full of tears, Hua Xi's body shook violently, her mouth opened and closed, but something was blocked in her throat, preventing her from making a sound.

She looks at her hands, she's grown up, 21 years old.

Her face was reflected on the glass door of the living room.

She remembered that this year... was the happiest and saddest year in her life.

She found Tianqing, they found her by the sea, but she...

"You also think I'm a burden. If you don't want me at all, why don't you just throw me away? Instead, let me wait for you!"

After Tianqing finished smashing the things at hand, she began to accuse her loudly.

"I don't want you." Hua Xi shook her head, tears fell down, how could she not want Tianqing?This is her only relative in this world.

"Then why did you throw me down?"

"I..." She was taken away at that time!
When she was sent to the base, she thought about escaping every day. She tried countless times, was caught, punished, and continued to escape!
If it wasn't because she wanted to come back to find her sister, she wouldn't have such a strong desire to survive and escape in the snake den.

Tianqing struggled to stand up from the wheelchair and rushed towards her, but her legs were already useless, how could she stand up?

Her body fell into the debris all over the ground like that, Hua Xi hurried over to help her up.

He raised his bloody hand and slapped her hard.

With tears streaming down her face, Tianqing asked, "Why did you throw me down?"

Hua Xi was beaten so badly that her mouth was bleeding, but she still bit her lip and didn't make any excuses.

She was the one who left Tianqing behind, such a small Tianqing...

It was her fault, no amount of excuses would help.

"I'm sorry..." She seldom cried, but even if she experienced this scene again in her dream, she would still cry.

She almost forgot how she faced it at that time.

Remember, it's all tears.

"Tianqing, I swear, I will never leave you behind again. From today onwards, I will always be with you."

Tianqing leaned on her shoulder and wept. In the end, she slowly hugged her neck and cried loudly.

"Sister, I really hope you come to me, I, I miss you so much..."

"I miss you too." Over the past ten years, every day in my dreams, I would dream of Tianqing.

She prayed that someone with good intentions would take in Tianqing, she is so cute and beautiful,

(End of this chapter)

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