Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1172 Can’t Love Each Other [4]

Chapter 1172 Can’t Love Each Other [4]

In the cold water, Hua Xi could still feel the hotness of his breath, like a blazing flame that was going to burn her to ashes together.

She blinked her eyes, the peace in her heart was disrupted, and there was an uncontrollable pain that made her breathing even painful.

"Feng Ling..." She gritted her teeth and pushed him resistingly.

"Hua Xi, we are the same! Only I can match you!" Feng Ling said in a hoarse voice.

He wants her!After they become husband and wife, she will settle down.

Women are obedient to their husbands, this is nature!No one has changed since ancient times!
She still misses the God Realm now, just because she still has hope in her heart. After he destroys all her hopes, she will never think about leaving again!
His kiss was about to fall on her lips, but Hua Xi blocked it with one hand.

Feng Ling looked at her in bewilderment, and saw her bright eyes glow with water, and uncontrollable pain rose slowly from the bottom of her eyes.

His heart also clenched tightly, and the movement of holding her changed to be gentler.

"Hua Xi, I love you, I want to marry you, not because of your fame, but because I really like you. I, Feng Ling, have never wanted any woman, I only want you, in this life, I will only love you alone."

Two tears suddenly rolled out of Hua Xi's eyes, and the eye circles were red.

"Why are you crying?" Feng Ling lowered his head and kissed her eyes, "Hua Xi, when you cry, I also feel so painful..."

It's true, my heart hurts like a thousand knives.

His emotions are all affected by her, how can she leave?
What would he do if she left?
"Feng Ling..." Hua Xi opened his mouth, some words hidden deep in his heart, it was really difficult to say, "Do you know why I am a half-demon?"

"Half-human, half-devil is not uncommon."

Seeing her crying, Feng Ling's tone softened, and he was reluctant to force her anymore.

If she is so well-behaved, how could he hurt her?

Anger came and went quickly, all because of her.

"Then do you know who half of my demon blood comes from?" Hua Xi said hoarsely.

She knew that speaking these words would definitely send Feng Ling into a bottomless hell.

But... no one expected that Feng Ling would fall so deep.

"Who?" Feng Ling frowned, and what he thought of was several outstanding figures in the devil world, first of all, several domain masters.

Hua Xi's talent is so great, her genetic blood will naturally not be too weak.

Hua Xi closed her eyes, she didn't want to meet Feng Ling's gaze.

She doesn't like to see others despair, especially those around her.

"Haven't you ever thought about it? Why is Princess Yueyan willing to sacrifice her life to save me..."

The arm holding her tightened suddenly, and then she felt that the body that was close to her was tense and stiff, like a stone.

"No..." The word seemed to come from his soul, a weak cry, "No..."

"My father's name is Yan Xiange. Seventeen years ago, Princess Yueyan secretly ran out of the Demon Realm and eloped with a human race..."

Feng Ling let her go suddenly, his body struggled all the time, as if he had forgotten that he could swim, as if he was about to drown.

Hua Xi hurriedly grabbed his hand, fearing that he would really drown.

"Go away!" Feng Ling suddenly pushed her away with all his strength, struggling in embarrassment, and finally leaned towards the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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