Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1174 Can’t Love Each Other [6]

Chapter 1174 Can’t Love Each Other [6]

"Shut up!" Feng Ling roared, "You don't deserve to mention my mother! You're just a bastard with dirty blood!"

Hua Xi's lips trembled, "I know you hate me, but we shouldn't be involved in the grievances of the previous generation."

"If it wasn't for Yan Xiange, how could these things have happened?" If it wasn't for Yan Xiange, Hua Xi wouldn't be his sister...

"He gave Princess Yueyan real happiness..." Hua Xi pursed her lips, knowing that she should not continue.

Feng Ling didn't know how to understand, he was still young at that time, so he didn't know how to understand love.

From the magic bead of that demon clan, she read about Feng Yueyan's past.

She was not happy at all living in the devil world, because of her status, she married someone she didn't like, had a child, and later met Yan Xiange because of an accident.

This kind of love is originally not tolerated by the world, but the nature of the demons is open, and Feng Yueyan boldly pursued her own love.

If Ji Yuan didn't show up later, maybe she and Yan Xiange could be together.

The logic of this set of love doesn't make sense. Can love be determined by first come first come first?

They just met the right person at the wrong time.

Feng Yueyan betrayed her husband and children, and her punishment was to lose her lover and daughter forever.

Retribution is a cycle of karma...

Neither she nor Feng Ling spoke, and the two fell silent.

The water in the cold pool slowly returned to calm.

The way Feng Ling looked at her was like this pool of stagnant water, too dark to see the bottom.

Hua Xi was floating in the water, although it was too cold to start, she did not act rashly.

She knew that Feng Ling needed time to calm down, he was a smart person, and he would figure it out slowly.

How can everything go well in the world?
He is the number one son in the devil world, admired by thousands of people, with a distinguished family background, outstanding appearance, everything.

Only love is missing, and he will have good love.

"Hua Xi..." After a long time, Feng Ling finally heard Feng Ling speak again.

Hua Xi immediately looked at him intently, how should he decide?

"Both the human world and the god world can't tolerate you..." Feng Ling sneered, "I think maybe even the demon world can't tolerate you."

Hua Xi's heart sank, she pursed her lips, her small face was already pale because of the cold pool water.

"Don't you even have to be friends?" she tried.

"I don't want to see you." Feng Ling's voice was very low, he looked at his own reflection in the water, as if he was talking to the reflection.

"I understand." Hua Xi moved a little in the water, but Feng Ling moved earlier and faster than her.

He stood up, the water splashed down, his tall body stood like an iron tower on the shore.

"Don't come to the Demon Realm again, next time we meet, I will treat you as the evil seed that shamed Feng Yu!" The deep-rooted hatred still couldn't be pulled out, it seemed to be getting deeper and deeper.

How did he know that love would hurt so much?A little bit of sweetness at the beginning, which quickly fades away.

"What about Princess Yueyan? For so many years, I have been looking for medicinal materials everywhere, and the elixir I refined for her is almost ready, maybe it can save her."

Hua Xi refuses to give up this only opportunity, not because she is greedy for the devil world and afraid of having nowhere to go.

Instead, he owed Fengyueyan and wanted to repay it as soon as possible.

She also wanted Feng Yueyan to wake up quickly.

"I won't give you a chance to get close to my mother. Remember, you have nothing to do with her!" Feng Ling said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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