Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1176 Little Red Boa [2]

Chapter 1176 Little Red Boa [2]

Hua Xi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, could it be that she was regarded as delicious?

Oh my God! !

Let go!Little things, I don't like eating!

If he wanted to eat her, she had no choice but to attack him unceremoniously.

Usually she doesn't attack the weak, how could she do it with such a small thing?

It didn't understand Hua Xi's words at all, and the little red ass just dragged her all the way to the bottom of the water.

Soon, I saw the bottom of the water, a pile of strangely shaped stones piled up like a nest, with all kinds of bones piled inside.

Most of them are demons...

Hua Xi was dragged into that nest, and she really took her as food.

The little red bird circled around Hua Xi, causing her to fall and sit on her own territory.

She just stepped on an eggshell the size of a watermelon, staggered a bit, and looked down, the eggshell was still stained with blood and mucus, it seemed to be...

Hua Xi's gaze turned to Little Red Poison, and saw him squatting on the ground, with his tail wrapped around her feet, his two little wings raised, and his three heads looking at her with anticipation.

Probably all animals will have a pair of big eyes when they were young. These three round eyes are not malicious or ferocious.

Seems expecting her... to feed her?
Hua Xi came to a realization, and the eggshell was still stained with blood, indicating that this little guy was born not long ago.

The surface of the eggshell is almost like a stone, and it looks very old.

This little thing probably lived in the egg for tens of thousands of years.

The big red ass beast had left a long time ago and was taken away by Ji Yuan, and now he doesn't know what happened.

This one is probably the child of the big red cockroach. It may have been waiting for tens of thousands of years without any movement, because it is a broken egg, so I didn't take it to heart.

Otherwise, how could she run away with Hua Xi so chicly?
Hua Xi held her breath, she couldn't last long at the bottom of the water, she would soon suffocate.

The little red nag probably just came out of its shell, so it went out to look for it without seeing its own numbness, but it just happened to see Hua Xi floating on the water...

Does her luck have to be so good?

The little things won't treat her as a numb, right?
How is she numb like him?She has only one head, not black, let alone a long tail!
She shook her head, indicating that he had admitted to the wrong person, and he didn't know where he was.

Little Red Pig's expectant eyes dimmed all of a sudden, he naturally didn't understand what Hua Xi meant, he just thought she didn't find any food and came back.

Ah ya!

Opened three toothless mouths, screaming pitifully, waiting to be fed, hungry and flat.

Hua Xi looked at him, forget it, the big red beast was also caught by Ji Yuan because it ran away with her.

Just do a good deed.

She took out a piece of raw beef from the Wu Na Talisman, cut off a piece with a dagger, and threw it over.

The head in the middle moved so fast that it bit it right away!

The other two heads shouted at Hua Xi even more happily.

Hua Xi was speechless, different heads, didn't they all eat into the same stomach?Why are you fighting like this?
Sure enough, the three brains have different ideas.

In desperation, I had to cut another two pieces to feed the other two heads.

Finally satisfied, Little Red Pig circled Hua Xi in circles, and soon its tail was wrapped around her leg. In a hurry, he tried his best to run forward, but found that he couldn't run.

IQ is really not that good...

Hua Xi had no choice but to reach out and untie his tail from his feet, letting him go free.
The red ass beast is the strongest monster among monsters (except Nightmare). Jiyuan has it, and of course Huaxi also has it, otherwise how will we fight in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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