Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1189 Shuoyue Family [4]

Chapter 1189 Shuoyue Family [4]

Shuo Yue Hanyou didn't know why she clapped her hands, but after thinking about it, she still smiled, she was happy for him.

Everyone hopes that the Poison King Spider can fuse with him, the people in the family, the royal family, because of the fusion of powerful poison, he will become stronger.

The poisonous king spider spent more than 100 years, the entire family, and even the entire Fengxi country, was killed, and everyone felt very sorry.

Only she was clapping her hands happily.

"Hua Xi, look, this is a heart-killing plant." Shuo Yue Hanyou squatted down, pointing to a small red plant growing out of the cracks in the stones on the side of the road.

The leaves of the plant are plump and full of water, and bright red juice seems to ooze out when pinched.

There are gorgeous purple spots on the leaves, which are very gorgeous, and I like it at first sight.

What is too beautiful is usually poisonous.

Hua Xi also squatted down, and asked puzzledly, "Why is it called Zhuxincao?"

It must be a very powerful poison. She has also done some research on poisons, but she has never seen any of these poisonous weeds grown in the Shuoyue family.

"Mix a drop of your own blood with the juice of the heart-killing grass, and it will become a poisonous test of love. If the other party drinks it, if he really loves you, he will be safe and sound. If there is half a lie, after three days, the poison will come out Death, there is no cure!"

Shuo Yue Hanyou stretched out her hand and fiddled with the thick leaves of the heart-killing grass, but she was safe and sound.

He was born with a strong poison, and he was never afraid of these poisonous weeds.

"What a cruel poison." Hua Xi put her hands on her knees and stared blankly, "Love cannot stand trials. Once one party wants to test, then love is over."

For those who love each other, the most basic thing is trust.

If there is doubt, then where is love?
Shuo Yue Hanyou turned her head to look at her drooping little face with a serious expression, this was the first time she heard such a novel statement.

In fact, he doesn't understand love, the grass that kills the heart has grown in the Shuoyue family for many years, but no one has ever dared to touch it.

"Zhu Xin..." He muttered, as if he wanted to perceive something.

"Zhu Xin, it means that the trial is successful, the person is not dead, and his heart is completely cold. The name Zhu Xin is really well chosen."

"This grass has grown in the Shuoyue family for hundreds of years, and I don't know why it came here, but no one has ever picked it. It is about to wither, so I might as well give it to you." Shuoyue Hanyou said.

"Why give it to me?" Hua Xi laughed, since she didn't need it.

If she doubts whether a person really loves her, then she will be in a very humble position in this love.

She is a proud person by nature, she would rather die than bow her head in humility.

Trial, she will not do such a stupid thing.

Shuo Yue Hanyou seemed to understand her character, and after thinking for a while, she said: "In case there is a hypocritical person who pursues you, you can drink the heart-killing grass for him."

"That's so troublesome, if there is such a person, he will be killed!" Hua Xi said bluntly.

She hates hypocrisy the most, so she won't let such a person approach her!

"In case you don't want to do it." Shuo Yuehan frowned, and had already pulled out the heart-killing grass, and wrapped it carefully with a piece of silk cloth.

Hua Xi smiled and shook her head, looking at his bright face, couldn't bear to refuse, flicked the Wu Na Talisman, and put the Zhu Xin Cao in.

"Your Excellency Shuoyue, thank you." Hua Xi said sincerely.

Although he didn't say it clearly, she also understood very well that he hoped to meet someone he likes in the future, so he could try it first with Zhuxincao.

(End of this chapter)

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