Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1196 Exchanging Pure Jade [5]

Chapter 1196 Exchanging Pure Jade [5]

"It's not too late. The longer the delay, the harder it is to make a decision. Let's go." Hua Xi smiled. She was not used to procrastination, and she really didn't have much time.

Shuo Yue Hanyou nodded, and led her along the dark path to find her father.

"Hahaha! Your Excellency Hua Xi is really bold and agile, which is admirable!" Patriarch Shuoyue laughed.

If he goes out in person, there's nothing he can't do!
Hua Xi didn't say much, since she chose to cooperate, she wouldn't doubt anything, if she didn't even have the guts, how could she mess around?
With a wave of his little hand, Patriarch Shuoyue personally came out holding a white porcelain cup filled with clear water. The pure white white porcelain has a delicate texture, and you can tell it is extraordinary at a glance!

"Your Excellency Hua Xi, drop it in."

With a solemn face, Hua Xi gently unscrewed the small plug on the top of the jade, and slowly tilted it.

A drop of emerald green liquid slowly dripped out from the mouth of the bottle, flinched lightly, and then dripped into the clear water with a 'tick' sound.

The strange thing is that this green liquid doesn't mix with the clear water at all, like a proud girl in a fancy dress walking among a group of vulgar fans, standing out from the crowd.

Set off by clear water, the dark green color is even more eye-catching.

Rare treasures are not as good as this drop of green light!
Patriarch Shuoyue's eyes straightened, this is Jingyu!The legendary pure jade...

As for Hua Xi, the moment the liquid dripped out, it was as if something in her body had been sucked away, causing her to close her eyes tightly in pain.

The intense pain made her almost accidentally knock over Jingyu. Fortunately, she plugged the bottle in time so that the liquid was not wasted.

Seeing her body shaking, Shuo Yue Hanyou instinctively wanted to step forward to help her, but held back before touching her, and finally winked at a maid.

The maid hurried over to support Hua Xi, which made her stand still a little.

Hua Xi took a few deep breaths, thin beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, it was so uncomfortable.

It turned out that every time she drank Jingyu's water, it was not the water that caused her pain, but the liquid inside that made her so painful.

"Are you okay?" Shuo Yue Hanyou asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Hua Xi shook her head, it was just a drop, she could still bear this kind of pain, she raised her eyes to look at Patriarch Shuoyue, "When will the patriarch's promise be fulfilled?"

Patriarch Shuoyue carefully sealed up the drop of pure jade liquid, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. There was a little lightness on his majestic face, as if he had completed some impossible task.

Hua Xi also has no time to think about the consequences, this is her own choice, and whatever happens in the future will be retribution on her.

"Don't worry, since you dare to trust me, I will naturally not let you down." Patriarch Shuoyue looked at her with admiration and admiration at the same time.

As expected of that person's reincarnation, he didn't give any information, not even told her how to go to Jiuchongtian, so she gave Jingyu's liquid.

This kind of courage is probably because she is extremely confident, she knows that he will not deceive her.

No, and I dare not, if he deceives her, then she must have a way to make the Shuoyue family restless!

She made the right bet. How could the Shuoyue family, who knew so much about things in the Six Realms, choose to offend her?
"Your Excellency Hua Xi, if you don't need to rest, come in." Patriarch Shuoyue has put on a serious expression,
(End of this chapter)

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