Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1202 Mystery of Past Life [6]

Chapter 1202 Mystery of Past Life [6]

Ji Yuan wants to take the Six Realms into his pocket, but now it seems that it is not difficult.

All these thoughts also flashed in Hua Xi's heart.

Ji Yuan is Lu Lian. He has spent thousands of years lurking in the God Realm. Apart from capturing more spell masters to refine puppets, he must have a greater purpose.

He has been waiting for her, she is Linglong's daughter, her blood can bring Linglong back to life.

After tens of thousands of years, Ji Yuan still hasn't given up, even Hua Xi admires him!

This part of the past made her understand the origin and purpose of Ji Yuan, and she finally knew what he wanted to do.

In the past, she didn't know anything about Ji Yuan, it was like beating the enemy with her eyes blindfolded, she couldn't figure it out.

"Your Excellency Hua Xi, I have told you everything you want to know about Ji Yuan."

Patriarch Shuoyue said with a smile, the palm moved slightly, the light on the stone platform disappeared, and calm was restored.

Sure enough, he did not break his promise, Hua Xi nodded, putting one hand on his knee, "Thank you, Patriarch."

Patriarch Shuoyue stroked his beard, walked out slowly, and asked with some puzzlement: "Although it is a matter of the God Realm, I am also very curious. Jia Ye has done so much for Linglong, and she does not hesitate to curse her own fate. Has Linglong ever liked him?"

The patriarch of the dignified Shuoyue family is so gossip!

Hua Xi couldn't help laughing, but remembered that in the underground Pantheon, she saw Linglong with a black platycodon on the back of her hand.

Black platycodon, a flower that blooms only in the Demon Realm.

Does she like Kaya or not?No one will know.

Li Feng loves her, even if she has a relationship with another man, he will still marry her as the Queen of God and love her all his life, and looking at Princess Huaxi, it is obvious that she has been loved since she was a child.

The grievances between the gods and the demons have always been incompatible, but Lifeng devoted his whole life to Linglong and Huaxi.

These two people are so good, but Linglong only has one heart. She died with Jiyuan for the sake of the God Realm because she was full of guilt towards the God Clan and Li Feng.

What about Kaya?This man has ruined her innocence. Without him, Linglong and Lifeng would be truly immortal couples.

This is fate, it cannot be changed.

"I'm afraid the patriarch can only get the answer by asking Linglong about this question."

Hua Xi said lightly, but did not tell about the black bellflower on the back of Linglong's hand.

Patriarch Shuoyue chuckled: "It's true, tens of thousands of years have passed, and everything should return to ashes and ashes to ashes."

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...

Hua Xi's eyes were a little dazed, thinking of the frozen corpse of Demon King Jia Ye under the black water of the temple.

As well as under the underground temple, Linglong, who died for tens of thousands of years and still has not been buried in the ground.

Neither of these two people has ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Ji Yuan is still thinking about how to revive Linglong, crazy person!
Hua Xi supported the stone platform and stood up, her expression was always cold and indifferent, "How should patriarch Shuoyue send me to Jiuchongtian?"

"Hehe, if Your Excellency Hua Xi doesn't need to rest, you can do it now."

"Let's go." How can you have time to rest?She has a lot of refreshing pills, just take any one, and she can stay until tomorrow again!

After leaving the Shadow Pavilion, Hua Xi thought he would take her out, but who knew, she went to the innermost place instead.

The darkness shrouded again, Hua Xi's heart was pounding, -
Linglong's reincarnation is Huang Beiyue, Li Feng's reincarnation is Feng Lianyi, and Jia Ye's reincarnation, have you guessed it?The black platycodon, of course, is the godson Mo Lian!

Their story is in Lao Lu's final article "Through the Stunning Poisonous Concubine: Feng Ni Tian Tian".

(End of this chapter)

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