Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1227 The red line cuts off love [4]

Chapter 1227 The red line cuts off love [4]

He is the highest and farthest moon in the sky, and no one can touch him except looking up.

"Heh... yes, you are now a high and mighty God King, why should people understand?" Hong Xian snorted coldly.

Chong Xi didn't care about her, and when she turned around, her figure disappeared in place.

As if a gust of wind blew by, it disappeared.

Hong Xian touched his face and hands, stood up slowly, and looked around the huge Marriage Palace on the high steps.

You can't see the wooden shelf next to it, with countless floating red ribbons on it.

The smile on the corner of her mouth was a bit bitter, and she walked up the steps step by step, towards the gate of the Marriage Palace.

She will never be able to approach that door, but today, she feels that every step she takes is a step closer.

Really... can you be free?
The goddesses who were hiding behind the wooden shelves and working with their heads down all quietly looked up at her.

God on the red line, what happened?Why do you walk towards the door like a demon?

She was punished by the emperor and couldn't get out at all!

You didn't drink any alcohol today, why are you still sober than usual?
Everyone only dared to watch, but did not dare to make a sound, so how could they dare to speak?The gods on the red line are not afraid of even the emperor, who would dare to die?

But... Seeing the red line approaching the gate of the Marriage Palace step by step, they all opened their mouths in disbelief.

Until the red line stepped out from the threshold, the mouth could not be closed.

This, is this possible?

Actually went out! ?

Really out! ! !
The god on the red line has left the Marriage Palace!

Countless goddesses were stunned, and no one could believe that what they saw just now was the truth.

Could it be that Dijun just released the seal of God on the red line?
That... is really a gratifying thing.

If the gods on the red line can go out, then they won't be only harming them every day, and the protoss outside should also suffer.

In the past few thousand years, they have received enough birds' anger!
Thinking of this, the little goddesses were faintly excited.

But no one thought that after being imprisoned for more than 9000 years, if he went out, would he come back?
Standing outside the gate of Marriage Palace, Hongxian looked up in disbelief.

Take a deep breath, even the air smells different.

Her hands trembled a little, she was free, she was really free...

The mood at this moment can hardly be described in words. She was so excited, her pretty face was stained with a layer of delicate red.

Stride forward, in the entire Pantheon, people passing by stopped curiously.

Who is that delicate and beautiful woman in a red dress?
That aura, is it a protoss who has only recently cultivated to the Nine Heavens?

Imprisoned for more than 9000 years, the slightly younger protoss naturally did not know her.

But when some elderly people saw her, there was a layer of worry in their eyes.

How did this dominatrix come out?
It's subtle not to cause trouble, no one dared to come forward to say hello, and retreated one after another.

ten-year life pool

Hua Xi stood by the pool in a daze, it was daytime, and countless golden lotus flowers were in full bloom on the water, dazzling and beautiful.

The breeze is blowing, the aroma of lotus is not strong, it just smells very refreshing.

This is the flower representing the god king Chongxi, and it has the most honorable status among the six realms.

Golden lotus can only be grown in the ten-fold life pool in Jiuchongtian.

Wherever Chong Xi went, golden lotuses would also bloom. Every time he went to the pool of the past, golden lotuses would also bloom in it.

Hua Xi clicked his tongue in amazement,

(End of this chapter)

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