Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1247 Re-entering the Underground Palace [5]

Chapter 1247 Re-entering the Underground Palace [5]

"You asked me to go on a raft so far? Didn't I die of exhaustion when I encountered the reverse current?"

That old pervert Ji Yuan, what kind of monster did he raise in the underground palace?

She didn't meet any of them last time, which made her careless.

"Otherwise, do you want to be besieged to death?" Xiu Tiejian said unhurriedly.

I told her not to come, but she wants to come!

So what do you do with good intentions, let Jiyuan harm anyone who wants to harm him!

It would be best to harm the entire world of gods and humans, he would be the happiest!

But this stinky girl is so kind, she is a demon!Mozu!
Isn't it strange that the demons are so kind?

With a gloomy face, Hua Xi finally accepted Xiutiejian's suggestion and took out the raft from the Wu Na Talisman.

Fortunately, she was well prepared, otherwise she would have swum across today.

The raft is not big, more than three meters long, and there is no problem in accommodating two or three people.

Fortunately, the water inside is flowing in, so she doesn't need to paddle, only a little effort is needed when turning and rapids.

Even so, after an hour, Hua Xi still felt tired.

Occasionally there was the howling of ferocious beasts, probably because the spiritual power was no longer detected, so it is not sure if someone really broke in.

When the raft reached a relatively wide yard, Hua Xi suddenly saw a huge turtle with its back turned to her, sticking out its head to drink water.

She quickly and carefully held her breath, the oars pressed against the wall, and quickly rowed to the other side in the two converging rapids.

The sound of the water flow was loud, and the tortoise seemed to hear something, and looked back lazily.

Nothing... and continued to lower his head to drink water.

Hua Xi patted her chest, the more she entered, the more dangerous it seemed, so she had to be more careful.

Not daring to be careless any more, he put up 12 points of energy, while controlling the direction of the raft, while being alert to the atmosphere around him.

Don't encounter any monsters again, she has to save her energy, and she has to go find Linglong later.

Finally, the raft passed by the gate of Condemn Cloud Palace, Hua Xi glanced at the solemn gate, and rowed away directly without going in.

Not long after she left, a pair of faint blue eyes suddenly emerged from the deep water in the gate of Condemning Cloud Palace.

After staring at Hua Xi's direction for a few seconds, he blinked and slowly lifted his huge body out of the water...

The monster's body was covered with all kinds of treasures from the Condemning Cloud Palace, almost completely submerging its body.

Hua Xi didn't notice any danger, the raft flowed along the water very smoothly, and was not troubled by the mechanism.

It must have been destroyed.

The water flowed very fast, relying on memory, Hua Xi still controlled the direction of the raft and came to the place where Linglong was buried.

This journey has been unimaginably smooth.

It went so smoothly that she felt even more uneasy.

Being careful in everything, I didn't go to check Linglong's tomb immediately, but first went to see if the exit was still intact.

I jumped into the water from the raft, held my breath, and went downstream tens of meters to see those rockeries.

After confirming that the spells and organs were intact, Hua Xi turned back, took a breath out of the water, and looked around, still very calm.

The water of the Huangquan River is very dirty. Under the water, the vision is very blurred and the visibility is too low.

Moreover, in the water, the ability to perceive spiritual power will become very poor, and it is even more difficult to grasp the situation on the water surface.

(End of this chapter)

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