Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1273 Silently guarding [4]

Chapter 1273 Silently guarding [4]

 The sky outside the cave has gradually become clear, and Wujiang slowly extinguished the bonfire.

When a trace of green smoke rose from the fire, he heard Hua Xi's murmured voice: "He could have become a Buddha..."

Wujiang's hand trembled, and his mind was full of thoughts, disorganized.

However, he quickly put away his complicated thoughts, and he still extinguished the fire unhurriedly until there was no spark left.

If it is destined, then why bother to be obsessed with whether one can become a Buddha?

Even if he could not become a Buddha, he also converted to the Buddha and became a follower of Buddhism.

After two years of retreat, he also deeply understood that in this life, he will never betray Buddhism.

Only in this way can she live up to her painstaking efforts and make her feel more guilty.

After much deliberation, it was all for her, but he didn't know it.

Wujiang lowered his head, full of thoughts, and didn't want to tell her that she would be sad.

"Telling you this, do you find it annoying?" Hua Xi scratched his head, it was very easy to be beside this person, without any burden at all, and he could say anything.

Probably because the other party can't speak, so I'm not afraid of her spreading these things.

She leaned on the wall and stood up, and said apologetically, "Excuse me, is there any water nearby?"

She was so dirty she couldn't bear it at all.

Moreover, she also wanted to wash up quickly, and then return to Jialan City.

Linglong was robbed unexpectedly, she never thought that this mission would not be successful.

The other party seemed to know her deathbed, and sent an old tortoise to stun her.

And the spell master under the water is also very powerful.

At that time, the water was muddy, and her vision was blurred, so she really didn't see the person who attacked her clearly at all!
Later, when I got out of the water, I had a chance to see it clearly, but it was swallowed by the Xuanming Turtle in one gulp.

What a shame.

Linglong is what Jiyuan must have, if she can't take it back, God knows what crazy things that lunatic will do!

Who is that person who came to fight?It must be Jiyuan's deadly enemy!
She hasn't figured out how to deal with it after returning home, so she should wash it first, and she will figure it out slowly.

Wujiang knew that she wanted to take a bath, so without saying a word, he took her hand and led her out of the cave.

Going down the hillside, gradually, you can smell the dampness in the air, and there should be a lake in front of you.

The corner of the mouth is raised, it is really responsive, thoughtful and caring, where can I find such a good person?

"I...I want to take a shower, can you look around for me." She couldn't see her eyes, and she didn't want to be peeped.

Although ordinary people can sense her when they approach her, if they are unlucky enough to meet a master, it's really late.

Wujiang didn't say anything, so he would naturally guard her.

It's just...that's why she believes in him?

Escaping into Buddhism, one should abandon the emotions and desires, but he couldn't.

"Thank you, I'll be fine soon." Hua Xi walked slowly towards the lake, took a few steps, turned around, and said with a bit of playfulness: "You can't peek!"

After speaking, he smiled lightly twice, and walked quickly.

But Wujiang's face flushed red all of a sudden, knowing that she couldn't see it, so he really had a despicable thought in his heart for a moment.

But he knew that was wrong, she believed him so much.

He walked quickly to the back of a big tree, turned his back to the small lake, and took a few deep breaths to calm down the shortness of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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