Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 13: Chapter 1 [2]

Chapter 13 Bringing Back a Round [2]

The surroundings are quiet...the legendary spiritual power that can be felt flowing doesn't even have a shadow...

"It's not really that useless, is it?"

Hua Xi opened her eyes, wanting to cry but without tears, God isn't playing with her, is she?

In the time-travel novels she has read, after the heroine has time-traveled, she usually finds that her body, which was originally a waste, is actually a super peerless genius.
Why is she still a waste to her?
"No! Try again!" She never gives up easily!

After an hour...

Hua Xi wrapped her head in the quilt dejectedly, feeling that life was so difficult for the first time.

Could it be that cultivating immortals really requires a natural physique?Being as perceptive as her is not helpful at all.

Playing with the little gourd on her wrist, she will never admit defeat, she will definitely find a way, with her cleverness, she will definitely find an unusual way!

I didn't sleep all night, I studied the Fa Jue in my memory, and it was already dawn.

Ling'er pushed the door open and said, "Miss woke up really early, just as Madam gave orders. Miss is not in good health, so I still don't need to go to the academy today."

Although martial arts are respected in this era, young masters and ladies of noble families still go to colleges to learn poetry and etiquette since they were young.

Hua Xi thought for a while, since he had nothing to do anyway, he might as well go to the college to have a look, so he spoke.

"I'm fine now, let's go to the academy."

Ling'er bit her lip and said awkwardly: "Miss, don't go today."



"Are you afraid that if I go to the academy, I will hear those rumors?"

Ling'er nodded, and then said: "Although you don't need to worry about those rumors, it's inevitable that Miss will feel uncomfortable when she hears about it."

"No." How could an irrelevant person hurt her with just a few words?

Ling'er couldn't resist her, so she had to seriously help her comb her hair and dress up.

She came out with a set of snow-white wide-sleeved flowing fairy dress, Hua Xi glanced sideways, and her face was a little ugly: "I don't want to wear this one."

In the past, Mo Huaxi always imitated Mo Qianxue, and this dress was exactly the same as Mo Qianxue's.

But this year, Mo Qianxue is tall and tall, so she looks as graceful as a fairy when she wears it, while the 14-year-old Mo Huaxi is relatively small, so she will only look old-fashioned if she dresses so cumbersomely.

Ling'er was puzzled, this dress was the third miss's favorite, because the eldest miss often wears...

Hua Xi went to the closet, flipped through it casually, all the snow-white long dresses were mature and cumbersome, she finally found one that was more pleasing to the eye, took the scissors, clicked it three times, those elegant, decorative ones, Useless, cut them all off!
The modified clothes are worn on the upper body, without dragging the floor, without complicated streamers, a simple long skirt, covered with a white silk robe, and tied with a belt, simple but still ladylike, playful and cute, and faintly It's a bit heroic.

She picked out a copper lock piece from the jewelry box and hung it, palm-sized, except for the hollow moiré around it, the center was smooth and round, like a mirror.

"Come here and comb your hair." Waving to the stunned Ling'er, Mo Huaxi thought in her heart that she should make some new clothes.

Ling'er walked over slowly, and said loudly, "I'll help Miss make a few butterfly buns..."

"A round bun is fine." A 14-year-old girl with a butterfly bun and a full head of red hairpins, how unsuitable?A little girl should have a cute little girl elf!

(End of this chapter)

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