Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1421 Killing Lu Lian [6]

Chapter 1421 Killing Lu Lian [6]

Unless... there is an ambush over there!

Hua Xi's heart tightened suddenly, how could there be an ambush?Could it be that Feng Ling had known they were coming early in the morning?

Was Lu Lian betrayed by his insider?
She was arrested with her arms tied, and she didn't resist to reassure Feng Ling. Feng Ling thought that she was the only one coming, and if she was arrested, he would not guard against others.

However, Lu Lian was exposed!

Hua Xi clenched her fist tightly, if that's the case, there's no need to pretend!
Anyway, this time she decided to be selfish to the end, and she would definitely not let Jia Ruo be used by them in the Demon Realm!

Hua Xi jumped off the high city wall.

"Lord Hua Xi!" The passing maids jumped and went to the fence to look, but where is Hua Xi's shadow?

After the huge explosion, the masters outside automatically formed a circle. They had already been notified that Lu Lian was by no means an ordinary person, and a few spells couldn't help him at all!

Seeing the pervasive anti-inflammation slowly dissipate, in the burning fire, the man in a blue robe stood there safe and sound.

His long hair fluttered, and his face was so calm and composed.

Around his body, a layer of transparent enchantment slowly shattered like glass.

I have to say that these spells are very powerful, and they were definitely refined by one of the best spell masters.

Back then, the top spellcasters in the Six Realms were already his puppets. How could their spells hurt him?

Lu Lian's eyes swept over the group of masters lightly, with disdain, then raised her eyes and looked accurately in a distant direction.

"Hey! It is said that this person is a person trusted by the god king Chongxi. He is ranked among the gods, but his strength has not been very good. He is proficient in medical skills, so he can only be sent to the human world as a small national teacher."

At the place Lu Lian was looking at, five people including Lei Yu, Water Yu, Tu Yu, Feng Yu, and Fire Yu were standing there, holding hands, watching the battle situation over there.

Young Master Huo Yu didn't say a word, but several other people were talking.

Lei Yuzhu said: "Looking at his appearance, he doesn't look like someone with weak strength."

The Lord of the water area was also quite worried, and it was rare to see such evidence from him: "I seem to have seen him form a seal just now, could it be that he is also a spell master?"

"This is strange. I've never heard of Fengxi Kingdom's national teacher being a spellmaster." Feng Yuyu Master also said.

"Hmph! Those sinister guys from the Protoss must have kept quiet to keep us from guarding against it!" The Lord of Thunder Domain snorted.

"It's okay to hide for a while. It's been hidden for thousands of years. How is it possible?" The land master touched the short beard on his chin, stepped on the stone with one foot, and watched the battle. ?"

"Joint force?" The domain master of the water area said with a smile: "Old man, are you out of your mind? There is only a protoss in the area, and the five domain masters want us to work together to kill it. If this is spread, it will give the protoss a face again!"

"That's a talisman master, and it seems to be hiding something!" The domain master of the soil domain said angrily.

"What about the spell master? Young Master Feng Ling has already set up an formation. Anyway, we want to capture him alive. A few of us went up and accidentally killed him."

The master of the water area touched his smooth chin, only intending to watch the show.

Master Fengyu said: "I don't know if Ling'er's formation can trap this person. No one says he is a spell master." His tone was full of worry. ,

(End of this chapter)

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