Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1429 Heaven and Earth Order [2]

Chapter 1429 Heaven and Earth Order [2]

"Ah!" With a muffled snort, the figure retreated quickly, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Hua Xi took a closer look, only to find that the person was actually Feng Lan!

Should it be said that she was too loyal to the Demon King, or should it be said that she was too overconfident and dared to challenge her alone?
Hua Xi lowered her head and said, "Sorry, I didn't see it was you."

"Hmph! You don't need to be hypocritical!" Feng Lan supported her body with a sword and stood up, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth, still proud, "If you want to get close to His Majesty Jiaruo, just step over my corpse !"

"Huo Liuli also said that just now." Hua Xi was helpless, she actually liked people with beliefs, and the demons have believed in the blood of the demon king for generations.

But now, they are almost stubborn.

"You killed him?" Feng Lan's complexion changed drastically, she thought Hua Xi wouldn't kill someone, but she was more hateful than imagined!

"I..." Before Hua Xi opened her mouth to explain, Feng Lan shouted coquettishly, raised her sword and rushed over again.

"Hua Xi, I'm not afraid of death! I've already seen your true face. If you don't kill me today, don't even think about taking a step forward!"

With one hand behind her back, the black robe slightly raised, Hua Xi frowned and shook her head.

Facing Feng Lan's crazy attack, Hua Xi did not dodge, but just shook his head lightly and said: "Feng Lan, you forgot, I am a spell master."

"I'm not afraid of the talisman master! No matter how strong you are, I will fight to the death with you!" Feng Lan's eyes widened, and she rushed towards Hua Xi with the determination to die.

The icy sword edge stretched out in front of Hua Xi, she just turned slightly sideways, her movements remained the same, only a simple change in her footsteps, and she circled behind Feng Lan.


Feng Lan's scalp was numb, she didn't expect Hua Xi to be so powerful, her back was exposed to the enemy's sight, it was almost a dead end!
The snow-white skirt flew up, but before it could fall down, the jade hairpin on the long hair fell off during the fight, and the black hair just fluttered in a mess.

Hua Xi raised her hand and pressed it on Feng Lan's back.

She closed her eyes and thought to herself, this time, she was really going to die.

However, she is not afraid of death...

However, at this moment, a face appeared in her mind, clean and peaceful, with picturesque features, as if even the filthy world could not bear to pollute such purity.

The snow-white cassock was lifted by the wind, as if brushing against her face.


She only felt a slight movement on her back. She was waiting for death to come, but there was no movement for a while.

She opened her eyes, and when she wanted to turn around to look at Hua Xi, she found that she couldn't move at all!

Feng Lan stared round her eyes, suddenly understood what was going on, and shouted angrily: "Hua Xi!"

"I told you just now that I am a spellcaster." Hua Xi shook her head, Feng Lan was not deeply involved in the world, she was relatively simple, and didn't understand the truth of 'soldiers never tire of deceit' at all.

She wants to pass by Feng Lan, why kill her?That's the most stupid and tiring way, and it's a waste of time. She can easily handle it with just a holding spell.

With Feng Lan's strength, the Fixing Curse is still useful to her, but there is no way for someone like the Young Master of the Fire Region.

For these, she is still very judgmental.

Feng Lan's face was already distorted, and she was trembling with hatred, but she just couldn't move.

Damn Hua Xi, have always underestimated her!

That's right, her strength is indeed not very good!
Compared to her elder brother, she is very weak!
(End of this chapter)

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