Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1453 Noble into mud [1]

Chapter 1453 Noble into mud [1]

"Okay, I'll arrange for you to meet her tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"Hua Xi, then tonight..."

Hua Xi raised her head abruptly, her gaze was a little cold, but soon returned to normal, and said flatly: "Luo Xuanyin, you also know my current physical condition, do you want me to die?"

"No, no, of course not!" Luo Xuanyin sank, he is not someone who cannot restrain himself, but he has been thinking about this woman day and night for so many years, and finally got it, how can he not taste some sweetness?
Hua Xi also knew what he was thinking, and she was so disgusted that she wanted to kill someone, but she still maintained a lukewarm attitude.

"If you force me, you are forcing me to die." Hua Xi glanced at him and walked away.

Luo Xuanyin was startled, then looked at her back with hatred.

snort!What's the use of being so tough?You can't run out of my palm!
But there's no need to be in a hurry now, it's really not good to force her to death, when her injury slowly heals, it's up to her to do what to do!
On the first night, Hua Xi was arranged to live in the harem of the Yunlei Kingdom. When she walked around at will, she could feel that someone was watching outside.

She sat down calmly, and soon, Luo Xuanyin arranged for the best imperial doctor to help her diagnose and treat her, using the best elixir, Hua Xi was also happy to let them treat her.

"Miss, please don't worry, the emperor has invited the most famous pharmacist in Yunlei Kingdom to develop a elixir for the girl, and I guarantee that the girl will recover soon." The imperial doctor said respectfully.

Knowing that this girl is definitely not an ordinary person, to receive such attention from the emperor, she must be an extremely important person.

Hua Xi nodded, a little puzzled, how did the sixth prince know that the emperor liked her?

Two years ago, Luo Xuanyin had only met her in Fengxi Country. At that time, he was not the emperor, so who would pay attention to his affairs?

Does he just tell people?

Hua Xi rested for another night, and the next morning, Luo Xuanyin went down to see her.

Hua Xi obediently did not conflict with him, Luo Xuanyin was also very happy, and the two even had breakfast together.

"Hua Xi, do you know? I once thought one day that if you could be with me, then I would like to share the country of Yunlei with you." Luo Xuanyin said happily.

Hua Xi smiled and asked, "I don't know how the third princess is doing?"

"Shuang'er is ready to get married."

"Oh?" Luo Xuanshuang, the third princess who liked Long Ganyue so much back then, is actually going to marry someone else?

"Shuang'er is a princess after all, her marriage has always been decided by the royal family, how can she be left to her?" Luo Xuanyin smiled indifferently.

He didn't like that younger sister in the first place. He loved and took care of her before, but it was because she was the Queen's biological daughter.

As for him, he was only adopted by the empress to her knees. The empress doted on the third princess. In order to please the empress, of course he could only please Luo Xuanshuang everywhere.

That represented his past humiliation. After he ascended the throne, although he respected the queen as the empress dowager, she was not allowed to intervene in the government affairs, and the power of her mother clan gradually weakened.

And the third princess, Luo Xuanshuang, arranged to marry the general he valued, to buy people's hearts.

Hua Xi knew that the third princess had become a victim of politics, so she didn't feel much in her heart. She didn't really like that unruly princess very much.

"So, what about Qiangwei, the daughter of your teacher Ji Qianqiu back then?" Hua Xi had some impressions of that girl because Ji Qianqiu, that old thief, dared to collude with Lu Lian to plot her against her!
(End of this chapter)

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