Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1461 Set a trap skillfully [4]

Chapter 1461 Set a trap skillfully [4]

In order to escape, she waited calmly, recharging her energy.

Few people would go to the palace of the empress of Yunlei Kingdom. Almost everyone knew that the empress had fallen out of favor.

The other concubines would not bother to curry favor with a woman who fell out of favor in a foreign country. On the contrary, Qiangwei, who was named a noble concubine, was very favored and took charge of the harem, just like a queen.

In the evening, Hua Xi went to visit Qiangwei.

Although she has no name or status, the people in the harem will look at her, and they have long known that the emperor's attitude towards her is unusual. Needless to say, her status will be respected in the future, and she should naturally serve her well now.

Therefore, as long as Hua Xi opens her mouth, there will be smart palace servants running around to do things for her.

It's just that we haven't seen each other for two years, Qiangwei doesn't recognize Hua Xi, she squinted her eyes for a long time before hesitatingly said: "It's you..."

The rich and powerful woman in front of her is mediocre in appearance. In the harem full of beauties, she is really good-natured, not even delicate.

The freckles on her small face are playful, and her eyes are very lively, which makes up for the shortcomings of her appearance.

Ji Qianqiu's daughter has never been considered beautiful, nor smart, and her skills are even more so, but now, she has gained a firm foothold in the harem of Yunlei Kingdom.

Luo Xuanyin's ability to dote on her is probably because of Ji Qianqiu, otherwise how could such a mediocre woman fall into his eyes?

"It's rare that Miss Qiangwei still remembers me." Hua Xi smiled politely.

"Bold! The one in front of you is the imperial concubine!" The maid scolded at the side, this woman is the emperor's new favorite, and it is almost spread in the harem.

Naturally, these palace people did not have a good attitude towards women who could threaten their status as masters.

They are not like ordinary concubines, their noble concubine is the daughter of Ji Daru, even the emperor respects them very much.

Qiangwei raised her hand, after two years in the palace, at least she has learned to be full of nobility in her gestures.

The maid closed her mouth, Qiangwei said with a smile: "If it wasn't for the portrait of you hanging in the emperor's study room, **** looking at it every night, I probably wouldn't remember you."

After all, back then, she only met Hua Xi once.

But the portrait in the imperial study room was a thorn in her heart!

Hua Xi was startled, and suddenly understood why the sixth prince was so excited when he saw her. Not only did he know her surname was Mo, but he also immediately decided to send her to the palace.

It turned out that the problem was here.

When Qiangwei said that, she probably didn't want to miss her old relationship, and naturally, she didn't have any good intentions for her.

Who would like a woman whose husband is always worried about her?
"I bid farewell to Mr. Ji that day, how is he doing now?" Hua Xi asked with a smile without caring.

"Father resigned and returned to his hometown, he is doing well now." Qiangwei said nonchalantly, she didn't even let her sit down, she was not polite.

Hua Xi smiled, it seemed that Qiangwei didn't know about Ji Qianqiu, so it would be much easier.

She was really afraid that Qiangwei would keep in close contact with Ji Qianqiu, so Ji Qianqiu would know about her here immediately.

Hua Xi smiled and said, "I'm injured, can I sit down and talk to you?"

"I'm not feeling well, I'm afraid it's inconvenient to accompany you." Qiangwei coldly refused.

"If that's the case, I won't bother you much." Hua Xi said tactfully, "I just think that the emperor may encounter troubles, but he doesn't trust me, and maybe he can relieve the emperor's worries through you, the noble concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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