Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1463 Set a trap skillfully [6]

Chapter 1463 Set a trap skillfully [6]

Qiaoer, the maid who accompanied her to see the noble concubine just now, said: "Girl, that noble concubine doesn't know how to flatter her, so don't take it to heart, the emperor loves you, and when you are sealed in the future, you will definitely be able to marry her." Fight hard!"

"I won't think too much about it." Hua Xi thought it was funny. Before long, Qiangwei came to find her by herself. What's the hurry?
Cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness. People who are not smart prefer to pretend to be smart.

"Actually, the emperor doesn't necessarily like the imperial concubine, it's just because her father, Mr. Ji, is the emperor's teacher, and the emperor respects Mr. Ji." Qiaoer said disdainfully.

"The emperor treats her differently." Hua Xi asked.

Qiao'er thought she was inquiring about the harem so that she could gain a foothold in the future, so she hurriedly opened up the conversation box.

"It's really different. The emperor handed over half of the military talismans to the noble concubine for safekeeping. It is indeed a grand gesture of grace."

Hua Xi raised the corner of her mouth and asked, "Half? What about the other half?"

"It's on the emperor!"

Hua Xi nodded, "Go and prepare dinner, I'm hungry."

"Yes." Qiaoer went out happily.

Hua Xi turned around and entered the room, still surrounded by unknown number of people watching secretly, she pretended to be sleepy, lay on the bed, lowered the curtains, and fell asleep.

There are not many forbidden spells in the body of the underworld, and they can't do anything, even refining a low-level spell.

Hua Xi searched in her mind, among the low-level spells, which one is the least expensive and most useful at this time?

After much deliberation, she could only think of one communication talisman, but her current spiritual power seemed to be halfway there.

It would be great if it could be compressed, but the risk is too great. If it fails, all previous efforts will be wasted.

How to do it?

When you close your eyes, your heart beats!
Forget it, if you fail, you will fail, try anyway, even if you fail!
Black spiritual power was condensed between the fingers, and a few simple symbols were written out of thin air.

There were not many Forbidden Techniques in the Underworld that disappeared sharply, and Hua Xi's face was also slightly pale.

She gathered the greatest mental strength and was meticulous. The movements of writing spells and chanting spells were more than three times faster than usual!
In this way, it can save spiritual energy!

His eyes were bloodshot, and just when the last stroke of the charm was left, the door of the bedroom was pushed open, and the voice of the palace servant came.

"Miss Huaxi, the imperial concubine has seen you coming."

Hua Xi was startled, and almost made a mistake, so she held her breath and concentrated, finished writing the spell, and the spell was over, she hurriedly spoke to the spell floating in mid-air.

"I am Hua Xi. I met Princess Pingcheng in Baize City of Yunlei Kingdom. The situation is dangerous! Recently, there has been great turmoil in the Yunlei Kingdom. Please send troops immediately, and cooperate with the inside and outside!"

After speaking, the spell disappeared immediately, and Hua Xi also fell into the bedding because of exhaustion of spiritual energy.

At this time, the curtain was lifted, Qiangwei stood outside, and said with a smile, "Miss Huaxi, is she asleep already?"

just a little bit...

With cold sweat on Hua Xi's forehead, she lazily moaned, without turning her head, she asked, "What's the matter?"

Qiangwei was a little angry, how dare she be so rude to her!
However, she still suppressed her anger and said: "I was not feeling well just now, and I didn't treat you well. I felt sorry, so I brought a gift to see you."

"The noble concubine is too polite." Hua Xi calmed down slowly, wiped the sweat from his forehead, then sat up slowly, with a pale smile, "It's just me, I'm hurt..."

(End of this chapter)

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