Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1472 The Fall of Bai Ze [4]

Chapter 1472 The Fall of Bai Ze [4]

Hua Xi hurriedly backed away, but without spiritual power, it was difficult for her to retreat completely in front of a master!

Seeing the fire spirit power in his hand getting closer and closer, Hua Xi gritted his teeth fiercely, is he ready to die like this?

She does not want to accept such a fate!


Suddenly there was a long hiss, and black flames flashed out beside Hua Xi, and the churning black flames appeared menacingly beside Hua Xi.

Luo Xuanyin's hand abruptly turned away in mid-air, and then her body quickly retreated. Then, she raised her head and looked at the black horse in front of her in shock!
"Hei Yan!" Luo Xuanyin couldn't believe her eyes!
This is his summoned beast, he recognized it at a glance, absolutely no mistake!

But back then, Heiyan was taken away by that mysterious spell master Guiyue from Fengxi Country, and one of his eyes was also crippled!

Why does Black Flame appear here?

He looked at the Heiyan Warhorse in shock, then at Hua Xi, and finally roared angrily: "So you are Ghost Moon!"

The person he had chased and killed for so many years, wished he could drink up that person's blood!

If she hadn't taken away his most important thing, he would have gotten rid of the sixth prince long ago, and wouldn't keep him to usurp the throne now!

Hua Xi was also shocked at why the Black Flame Warhorse appeared. She had no spiritual power, and it stands to reason that the spirit beast space had been closed long ago.

Even the Black Water Snake and the Little Red Boa, who hadn't formed a contract with her and weren't restricted by the Beast Sealing Talisman, couldn't get out.

The appearance of the Black Flame Warhorse was beyond her expectation!

However, this is definitely a good thing!
Facing its former master, the black flame warhorse showed no sympathy, neighing angrily and staring at it.

Luo Xuanyin felt the unusual aura on his body, it was countless times stronger than when she first formed a bond with him!
"Hahahaha!" He suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly, "Hua Xi! I really underestimated you!"

His heart was full of hatred. He had missed her for so many years, and he never let go of her every night. He hoped that one day, he could share the world with her.

But who would have thought that she would be that Ghost Moon who stole his eyes back then!

This world is really ridiculous!
"The Black Flame Warhorse is very strong, I advise you not to start a war with him." Hua Xi leaned against the corner and said lightly.

"Okay! Hua Xi, you are very lucky! But, in the chaos that follows, I will never help you again!" After Luo Xuanyin finished speaking, she strode out and ordered people to seal all the doors and windows of the meeting hall.

Hua Xi leaned weakly, and naturally understood what he meant.

Next, in the melee between the three parties, Luo Xuanyin, the Sixth Prince, Long Ganyu, and Bai Zecheng will be stained red with blood, and the palace will become a place of severe disaster.

Her injuries haven't healed yet, so it might be difficult to survive the scuffle.

The black flame warhorse turned to look at her, and finally turned into a faint black flame helplessly, and then disappeared.

Luo Xuanyin was his former contractor, and when he felt his spiritual power, the black flame horse could come out for a while, but once Luo Xuanyin left, there was no spiritual power to keep him in shape.

Hua Xi rested for a while, then stood up, trying to find a way to open the door from the inside.

The outside was really locked by a big lock, even the windows were not let go.

In the meeting hall where the emperor and ministers discuss matters, safety is the most important thing, so there is nothing that can be used as a weapon inside.

Luo Xuanyin intends to trap her inside, no matter which side wins in the end, those who can enter here will not be good people.

(End of this chapter)

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