Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1476 Princess Pingcheng [2]

Chapter 1476 Princess Pingcheng [2]

Luo Xuanyin was seriously injured and escaped, while the sixth prince was captured.

In this battle, the Fengxi Kingdom won a complete victory, breaking through the capital of the Yunlei Kingdom in one fell swoop, and naturally the rest of the cities could be dismantled one by one without much effort.

This is a battle recorded in the annals of history. From now on, Fengxi Country can unify the entire Tianyao Continent!

The rest of the army couldn't be recruited, Yunlei's national style was tough, he accepted death, and refused to surrender even if he lost. He only hoped that the emperor would come back in the future and bring them back.

In the twilight of the early morning, the defeated soldiers of the Yunlei Kingdom were driven into large pits.

Since he refused to surrender, he could only kill him!
Only by cutting the weeds and eradicating the roots can future troubles be eliminated forever!
"Are all those people going to be killed?" Standing on a high place, Hua Xi looked at the dark crowd of prisoners below.

In fact, most of the ordinary soldiers surrendered, but some generals still wanted to resist to the death. If the food and grass had not been destroyed, they would not have been captured obediently.

"I have to kill." Long Ganyu said, "If there are so many prisoners of war who are unwilling to surrender, it will be very difficult just to feed them. What's more, if there are remnants of Yunlei who want to rebel in the future, they will follow suit."

Hua Xi pondered for a moment, then said: "I've heard a story that happened in another continent. At that time, the Seven Kingdoms were in chaos. Qin and Zhao fought. Pawn, in the decades since then, in the battle of Qin to unify the six countries, it has encountered the most tenacious resistance, and no country has surrendered, even if it loses, it will fight to the death."

Long Ganyu frowned, then nodded: "You're right, Yunlei Kingdom has not been completely conquered, if these people are killed, then other cities will rather die than surrender, and by then, Fengxi Kingdom will only be damaged more people."

"Persuade them to surrender." Hua Xi sighed, she also knew it was difficult, but there was no way, otherwise, the loss would only be greater in the future.

"Yunlei Nation is a tough nation, uncivilized, and won't take hard and soft!" Long Ganyu also found it very difficult.

Hua Xi was also thinking, what method should be used?

If it is one or two, she is absolutely confident to persuade, but here, there are at least 30 people.

After all, she is not Hitler, so she cannot brainwash them.

When both of them didn't know what to do, suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes rushing in from outside, raising a cloud of dust.

Who is here?
Hua Xi looked over, and when the dust gradually dissipated, he saw a heroic woman in military uniform sitting on horseback.

Her hair was combed high and braided into thin braids, with finely divided red gemstones tied on top of the braids, which were dazzling and gorgeous when the sun shone.

Sitting heroically on the horseback, holding a red whip in his hand, there is a cold smile on the corner of his mouth.

Those soldiers who were about to be buried alive in the pit raised their heads and looked at her.

There are many people who have never met the queen of Yunlei Kingdom, but some senior generals still know her.

"Empress?" When they saw her, the expressions of those generals were a little delicate and fearful, and they unconsciously glanced at the Emperor Fengxi who was standing high above him from the corner of their eyes.

Too bad, the queen is still alive?

Will the emperor of Fengxi Kingdom know what they did to her before?

If they knew, then they... Originally, the disaster would not be as bad as the Nine Clans, at most they would die alone, but now...

It is said that this queen was once as honorable as a real princess in Fengxi Country, and she grew up with Long Ganyu as a brother and sister.

(End of this chapter)

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