Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1487 Soul-Suppressing Curse [2]

Chapter 1487 Soul-Suppressing Curse [2]

Hua Xi looked at him, sighed, and said: "My lord, I didn't lie to you about Hongxing, I did meet her."

She is indeed the reincarnation of Hongxing, but for some reason, Hongxing still has a part of her soul that stays in the Qiluo Pavilion and does not go to reincarnation.

This matter is very strange, Hua Xi came here today to clarify this matter.

"How is it possible..." the Sixth Prince murmured, looking at her face carefully, it was indeed somewhat similar to Hong Xing, but she couldn't be Hong Xing!
How could Hongxing treat him like this?
"Hongxing has been waiting for you to redeem her body. The next day, the old bustard forced her to pick up the guests. She refused. In order to defend her innocence, she died. I didn't lie to you about this. She didn't change her mind. She didn't get married either, she was waiting for you until the moment she died."

The sixth prince looked dazed, shook his head and said, "How can you make me trust you?"

"My lord, you shouldn't trust me, you should trust Hongxing."

The Sixth Prince was stunned, and then covered his face in pain.

Hua Xi was a little embarrassed, if the sixth prince hadn't listened to Mei Niang's words, if he had believed that Hong Xing would not betray him, then he and Hong Xing might have a happy ending now.

There will be no separation between life and death, and heaven and man will be separated forever.

What a trick of good fortune, the sixth prince and Hong Xing are not destined to each other.

The reincarnated Princess Hua Xi would not have any entangled feelings with an ordinary mortal.

It was just a false relationship.

"Sixth Prince, I'm here today to find Mei Niang." About Hong Xing, she wants to ask Mei Niang clearly!

Now that the matter has come to this point, the Sixth Prince knew that the matter was irreversible and that he had nothing to love, so he casually said: "She is in the mansion, you can go find her yourself."

After speaking, he turned around slowly, walked into the room, and closed the door.

Regardless of his ending, it has nothing to do with Hua Xi.

Holding an umbrella, she walked slowly to the backyard.

A flustered maid hurriedly ran over with a basin of water in the heavy rain, and Hua Xi followed.

Now there are no people in the Sixth Prince's Mansion, and when a battle broke out, Meiniang probably thought that the Sixth Prince's Mansion was safe, so she came here to take refuge.

But when the three armies are at war, Baize City is like hell, where can there be a safe place?

Even the palace is not safe, let alone the palace.

The maid entered a room with a basin, and hastily wiped the blood from the broken leg for the person on the bed.

A mournful wail echoed in the room.

It was Mei Niang's voice.

Hua Xi immediately pushed the door open and went in, and sure enough, she saw Mei Niang lying in the messy quilt, one of her legs had been chopped off, her face was ashen, she seemed to be dying.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed, Mei Niang raised her head. She didn't wear heavy makeup, and her face was full of wrinkles, which were made up with sweat.

"You, you... Xuanqing?" Mei Niang said tremblingly, looking at her in disbelief, "You can't possibly be alive."

"How did Hongxing die?" Hua Xi walked over step by step, her voice was cold, as if it came from hell.

Mei Niang trembled all over, grabbed the corner of the quilt, and said in fear: "What do you want? Hong Xing has been dead for so many years, who are you?"

"I just want to know the truth. If you speak well, I won't kill you." Hua Xi walked to the bedside. The maid had already been frightened by Zhan Luan, like a frightened bird.

Seeing Hua Xi's domineering and icy aura, the maid fainted from fright.

(End of this chapter)

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