Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1496 Soul-Suppressing Curse [11]

Chapter 1496 Soul-Suppressing Curse [11]

In a short time, Chong Xi's plain complexion has changed.

The precious teacup in his hand suddenly fell and shattered on the tea tray.

Jia Ruo was taken aback, seeing the teacup, which was as thin as cicada's wings, just torn apart like that!
That is Master's favorite set of tea sets. It is said that there is only one set in the entire Six Realms!
The craftsmen who fired this set of porcelain put their lives into the furnace to complete it. There is a faint bright red on the porcelain like blood.

This world is unique, absolutely impossible to have a second set!
What a big deal!

Jia Ruo's first thought was like this!
Master has no hobbies, except drinking tea. He loves the tea sets in his collection very much, and usually keeps and cleans them himself, and does not allow others to touch them at all.

Today he even dropped his most important one...

Something big must have happened!

Looking slowly at Chong Xi's face, he saw that his complexion was a little pale, as if he didn't realize that the glass had been broken.

"Jia Ruo..." Chong Xi suddenly spoke heavily.

"The disciple is here!" Jia Ruo didn't dare to neglect, and replied immediately, waiting for the master's order.

"Why didn't Hua Xi come back with you?"

Jia Ruo was startled, and then said: "She left without saying goodbye, I thought she came back first..."

As he talked, he felt that something was wrong. If Hua Xi came back early, why didn't she come to see Master for so many days?

Doesn't even Master know where she went?
With a 'buzz' in his mind, Jia Ruo suddenly opened his mouth wide open, "Master, I, I..."

While talking, tears suddenly fell down, he seemed to have made a big mistake!
At that time, Hua Xi was seriously injured and couldn't even control the sword. How could she leave alone?
The Sunset Mountains are so dangerous...

What a stupid brain he is!
Chong Xi stood up, took a lot of things off the tea tray, and smashed them all over the floor.

The long hem of his clothes dragged on the ground, and he walked out quickly.

"Master, what happened?" Jia Ruo cried and followed out, he was so stupid, how could he leave the seriously injured Hua Xi alone?

Chong Xi didn't answer him, but walked out of Chong Hua Palace quickly and walked to the Shihua Shengsheng Pool.

The sun is shining brightly, and the sky in the God Realm is always so bright.

He stood by the degenerate pool, looking at his own reflection in the water.

"Jia Ruo, close your eyes." He said lightly.

Jia Ruo sobbed and closed his eyes obediently.

Chongxi formed a mudra with his left hand, and a faint ray of light penetrated into the water. In the degenerate life pool full of golden lotuses, a different scene appeared immediately!
Endless hell is presented in front of your eyes, in this sacred and bright land of God Realm, there is actually a place leading to hell!

The cruel scene under the water made it impossible to look directly at it. Although no sound could be heard, it seemed as if one could hear the heart-piercing screams when looking at those painful souls.

Soon, the faint light returned to Chong Xi's hand, but nothing was found.

He stared blankly at the ten-year-old birth pool, and the scene of hell slowly closed.

"Who opened the Requiem?" he murmured.

Jia Ruo couldn't understand what he was saying, and didn't dare to open her eyes, she just choked up and asked, "Master, did something happen to Hua Xi?"

"I don't know." Chong Xi said helplessly. The only thing he knew was that the Soul Requiem Curse was activated, which meant that she would soon find the eighth totem.

(End of this chapter)

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