Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1627 Painful Break [3]

Chapter 1627 Painful Break [3]

"Xingzhuo, get out of the way." Chong Xi said lightly, pushing Xingzhuo aside.

Xingluo turned around and knelt in front of him, gesticulating quickly, as if she wanted to say something, but she couldn't.

"What did he say?" Hua Xi couldn't understand, even with the memory of Princess Hua Xi, she couldn't understand this gesture.

She remembered that the former star pendant could talk, and called her 'sister' one after another.

"He wants me to explain it to you, but what needs to be explained has already been said just now." Chong Xi said unhurriedly.

This incident didn't seem to affect him at all.

His calm made Hua Xi almost despair.

She once thought that he must have a reason, he didn't want to kill Princess Huaxi, and even thought that he might be forced by Emperor Lifeng.

However, he did not hide anything, and generously admitted his greed.

The throne of the king of gods...

"Are you happy to sit in that position?" Hua Xi asked self-deprecatingly.

She used to sit and overlook all beings, but she didn't feel happy!

At that time, all her wishes were for Chong Xi.

Chongxi, Chongxi, Chongxi, Chongxi...

"Actually, I feel very lonely after I sit on it, because there can only be one person in this seat." Chong Xi propped her chin and said lazily.

Hua Xi asked with red eyes: "Then, after you sat on it, you started to regret it, didn't you?"

"A little bit." Chong Xi nodded.

"So you tampered with my fate and made me like you..." Hua Xi suddenly laughed, "It turns out that your regret is not because you killed me, but because you feel lonely."

"Hua Xi, the Protoss doesn't have much affection in the first place, so you shouldn't be sad."

"Yes!" Hua Xi said loudly, "All my sadness is because of you, because I am greedy and want a cold-blooded animal like you to fall in love with me!"

Chong Xi looked at her with flat eyes, silent.

Is there nothing in this world that can impress her?

In Hua Xi's eyes, countless tears rolled down, she cried and laughed at the same time, her hand holding the God Killing Blade trembled.

"Chong Xi, I also regret..."

Chong Xi raised her lips slightly, with a magnificent smile: "What do you regret?"

"I regret knowing you, I wish I never knew you in this life!" Hua Xi raised her head, took a deep breath, and stopped crying without dignity in front of him.

If you are not important in a person's heart, then don't cry in front of him, don't think that he will feel distressed as long as you cry.

Only when he loves you deeply will he love you.

If you don't love, then crying will only look ridiculous and make you lose your dignity.

Hua Xi has always been a self-loving person, and will never let herself be too humble.

After hearing her words, Chong Xi was slightly taken aback, and then smiled calmly, "Unfortunately, time can never turn back."

"That's right! But, from now on, I can stop being so stupid!" Hua Xi wiped away her tears, "Chong Xi, do you think that if you separate Hong Xing from my body, I will only love you? you are too naive!"

Chong Xi looked at her.

Hua Xi sneered: "If I don't love Ji Yue, I can love others. Now, I don't need you!"

He still didn't speak, maintaining a lazy and alienated expression, like a fine work of art, he could only watch it, but not get close to it.

"You can't have both, since you have chosen the position of God King, it means you will lose me forever!
(End of this chapter)

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