Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1651 Envoy to the Ghost Realm [5]

Chapter 1651 Envoy to the Ghost Realm [5]

The surroundings are quiet, this is outside the ghost world, living creatures basically dare not approach here, so there is no breath of living creatures at all.

Because of this, could the ghost king find her?

Hua Xi is also a person who is accustomed to being in the dark, and is very sensitive to the atmosphere in the dark, and has a natural sensitivity to some subtleties that ordinary people cannot perceive.

For example, now, she can feel a pair of eyes staring at her!

The eyes had appeared shortly after she had just sat down.

It's just very hidden, and ordinary people can't detect it at all.

But Hua Xi still felt something strange.

Because the eyes staring at him were very sharp, as if they were going to pierce something!
He has been staring at himself steadily, without moving more than half a minute!

Hua Xi sat quietly, also slowly perceiving the other party's position.

It seems to be on the left, it is really well hidden, just like a shadow, if she is not vigilant, it is impossible to detect it.

Is it ghosts?

Could it be that the ghost king didn't trust them, so he sent someone out to monitor them?

The ghost race is dark and likes to do these shady things!
Hua Xi was a little annoyed, she grabbed the ghost clan who was watching and gave it to the ghost king as a gift after entering, which was also a way of showing their sincerity!

The corner of Hua Xi's mouth twitched, and suddenly his figure swayed, like an arrow flying from the string, it was shot out in an instant!
Unprepared for it!

The person who was staring at her secretly didn't expect Hua Xi to make a sudden move, so he had no time to make a move in a hurry, so he could only flee quickly.

"Stop!" Hua Xi chased after him, but the speed of that figure's escape was unimaginably fast!

Several dead trees were knocked to pieces, and the shadow... was unbelievably huge!

It seems to be some kind of beast!
Hua Xi hurriedly chased him out, wanting to see who it was!

If it is a beast, is it someone sent by the beast clan?

Are those guys too impatient?
Just after chasing to the open space outside, suddenly several rays of light descended from the sky.

Hua Xi was alarmed, thinking that the huge beast's wings were coming, she quickly stepped back and prepared to strike, but the people who landed were actually Wu Jiang and Feng Lan's group!


She looked at the direction in which the shadow fled, and it was already gone!

Damn it!Let him run away!
Hua Xi clenched her fists angrily, her brows and eyes were cold, as if she had a millennium-year cold edge.

How savage that Feng Lan was, seeing her like this, she didn't dare to ridicule her, only dared to speak to Wu Jiang in a low voice.

"Look at this person, he's so reckless, he might ruin something by her!"

"No." Wu Jiang walked towards Hua Xi, "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"Now that you know, do you still need to talk nonsense here?" Hua Xi said coldly.

Wujiang was taken aback, this woman was so strange, he spoke politely to her, but she didn't appreciate it, and was so indifferent.

The first time I saw her, I clearly knew her.

The second time he refused to admit knowing him.

But this time, it was as if she had a grudge against him.

This woman really turned her face faster than a book.

"Let's go in." Wujiang glanced at her, then bypassed her, and went to negotiate with the ghost messenger outside the gate of the ghost world.

As soon as they heard that it was an envoy sent by the demon world, those ghost messengers naturally let them go immediately.

"All envoys, please go this way. His Majesty the Ghost King has given orders to prepare accommodation for all envoys." The ghost messenger led them in very politely.

(End of this chapter)

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