Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1679 Boundless Awakening [3]

Chapter 1679 Boundless Awakening [3]

"Hua Xi, we must find this woman and kill her, otherwise we will be in danger." Wu Jiang said.

"I'm not as scared as you!" Hua Xi said coldly.

Wujiang smiled and said, "You should be more afraid than me. Those old men in the God Realm are afraid that you will take revenge, so they tried their best to kill you."

"What can those old men do?" Hua Xi dismissively, she never put those old things in her eyes!

"That being said, however, it's all about being careful." Wujiang paused, feeling that he cared about her, so he didn't say any more.

Hua Xi could also hear the natural concern in his words, which did not seem to be artificial, and a burst of intense sadness suddenly surged in his heart.

"Wujiang, will you go back to Fanyin Temple?"

"No." Wujiang said decisively, and after a while, he said again, "Buddhism has already been unable to tolerate me, besides, how could I become a Buddha?"

His self-deprecating smile, his belief and persistence in the past were nothing but self-deception.

Neither he nor Hua Xi knew about those cruel pasts.

"If you didn't go down the mountain back then, maybe you could really become a Buddha in this life."

"Impossible." Wujiang said, "This body is just for me to recover from my injuries. I will still wake up when I am 20 years old."

Hua Xi blinked, with tears hanging on her eyelashes, it turned out that she was already destined.

"Who hurt you 20 years ago?" Hua Xi asked curiously. At Wujiang's level, there are not many people who can hurt him.

Wujiang chuckled lightly, and then recalled: "Back then, Chong Xi took advantage of my injury and planned to kill me. Unfortunately, I couldn't die, so Mo Wuji sealed me. In the end, I escaped, but after being sealed for 3000 years, my soul was very weak. Weak and confused, I was wandering in the Six Realms, and I don't know how many years later, I was caught by a woman named Kikyo."

"Did she hurt you?"

"No, she didn't know my origin, so she studied with a woman named Xuanyuan Jin, intending to use my power to create a magic weapon to destroy the world." Wujiang said.

"Did they succeed?" Hua Xi's heart skipped a beat, Wujiang was weak at the time, if he could use him to refine a magic weapon, it must be very strong!

"It can be regarded as a success, but it can also be regarded as an unsuccessful." Wujiang sneered, "They sealed me in a black jade, named it Wanshou Wujiang, and made a bond with me with blood, and there is another beast, you guessed it? who?"

"Divine beast?" Hua Xi was puzzled, Wujiang asked her to guess, it must be someone she knew.

Being able to form a bond with him must be very powerful...

She thought about it, and her heart suddenly tightened, "It's Yan!"

"That's right." Wujiang smiled, "Beasts without Borders, Summoner, Summoner, the three form the most stable relationship and restrict each other. You can imagine how strong that power is."

"This Xuanyuan Jin is really a genius!" Hua Xi couldn't help admiring, it was admirable to come up with such a way to use the power of Wujiang.

"She is indeed one of the few geniuses I have ever seen, but she underestimated me after all. My strength grew stronger day by day, and I began to devour them. This contract between the three parties, which is boundless, seems stable, but in fact it will collapse with one blow , among the three, one is indispensable, if one party dies, the contract will be broken."

"Xuanyuan Jin is dead?" Hua Xi regretted in her heart, it seems that it is true that heaven is jealous of talents.

Wujiang nodded, "As soon as she dies, I will start to devour Yan and make him degenerate into a demon.
(End of this chapter)

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