Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1709 Heart Has Bodhi [2]

Chapter 1709 Heart Has Bodhi [2]

Since he came to help her, it would be immoral for him to suddenly say that he wanted to leave.

However, his heart was full of uneasiness and fear, and he really wanted to go back to Fanyin Temple and see his master.

Master... Master, how is he?

Hua Xi was stunned for a moment, now Wujiang probably doesn't remember what happened in Fanyin Temple.

He also didn't remember that Master Du'er had passed away, otherwise, he would definitely be in great pain.

what to do?Will she tell him these things?
However, he knew that he was wronged as a person who killed his master and defected, and he didn't know how painful it would be.

Hua Xi didn't want to provoke him, so as not to be careless for a moment and make him bewitched again.

"Sorry, you have been away from Fanyin Temple for several days, you really should go back, let's go back."

"No, since you've been here for a few days, you can't return empty-handed, let's find your mother's soul first." Wu Jiang waved his hand, not wanting to disappoint her and return.

Anyway, the Fanyin Temple is there, you can go back anytime, and it won't disappear.

He ignored the uneasy feeling in his heart, don't think about it, everything is fine.

"Wujiang, thank you, I will speed up and go back this morning." Hua Xi said gratefully to him.

Wujiang nodded, glanced at her clear eyes, then looked away, as if he didn't dare to look any further.

Hua Xi lit a bonfire and asked him to dry his clothes.

Wujiang looked at the lay clothes on himself, feeling a little strange.

Hua Xi quickly said: "It is inconvenient to move in the ghost world, so I asked you to change your clothes, sorry."

"It doesn't matter." Wujiang shook his head, he never cared about these superficial things, as long as there is a Buddha in his heart.

He dried his clothes, but he couldn't find the Buddhist beads that he often held in his hand, and found that his Wu Na Talisman could not be opened.

"Strange?" Wujiang murmured.

Hua Xi knew that it must be after Wujiang came back from before, he changed the Wu Na Talisman and replaced it with a seal with his magical spiritual power, so Wujiang couldn't open it.

But that's fine, who knows what's in that Wu Na Talisman?
"Maybe it was affected by something in the illusion before." Hua Xi found a suitable excuse, "Is there anything important inside?"

"Maybe, fortunately, there are no important things, only some dry food and water." Wujiang said with a faint smile.

After hearing this, Hua Xi was much relieved, she knew that he would not lie, if he said there was nothing important, then it should be nothing.

"Then, don't be in a hurry, I still have a lot of dry food here." Hua Xi said with a smile.

Wujiang smiled, said nothing, and lowered his head.

Fingers inadvertently touched the seal of the Wu Na Talisman.

There was really nothing of value in it.

But there is one thing... It was the handkerchief she left with him at that time, and he kept it all the time and didn't want to lose it.

Taking advantage of the rest time, Hua Xi took out Feng Yueyan's book of life and death, and read it by the light of the fire.

Where does Feng Yueyan's soul go?
"Is that the book of life and death in the ghost world?" Wujiang asked curiously when he saw it.

Hua Xi flipped through it, and said with a smile: "Exactly, I sneaked into the Palace of Life and Death and stole it out."

"Oh?" Wujiang said doubtfully, "It is said that the Book of Life and Death is impossible to leave the Hall of Life and Death. How did you do it?"

"The mountain people have their own tricks!" Hua Xi blinked at him, but was secretly surprised.

In fact, she always thought that Wujiang was an honest and upright little monk,

(End of this chapter)

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