Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1717 Double Corpse Mark [1]

Chapter 1717 Double Corpse Mark [1]

Hua Xi passed through the dangerous poisonous fog forest and reached the periphery of the demon world.

Jiyuan is not here, this demon world is indeed different from before, with a more peaceful atmosphere.

The monster clan guarding outside the poisonous mist forest immediately spotted her, and immediately came over and asked, "Who are you?"

"My name is Hua Xi, I'm here to see Mr. Chen Xiang." Hua Xi said bluntly.

"It turns out that Miss Huaxi is here. I'm sorry, Mr. Chen Xiang has ordered that as long as you come, let her go immediately." The guard respectfully let her pass after hearing her name.

Hua Xi wanted to laugh, but Chen Xiang was very thoughtful.

He didn't know when she would come, but he asked the guard to let her go after hearing her name. What if someone impersonates her?
"You don't need to check if I'm real or not?" Hua Xi asked.

"No need." The guard shook his head, "Master Chen Xiang said that she is the most beautiful woman who looks like she is shining, so she can't be wrong!"

This time Hua Xi really laughed. Although she didn't care about her appearance, who would be unhappy to hear such a compliment?
"Has Mr. Chen Xiang returned from the ghost world?" Hua Xi asked.

"I heard that I just came back."

"That's good." Hua Xi immediately quickened his pace.

As soon as Ji Yuan left, Chen Xiang directly took over the entire demon world, and now handles government affairs in the demon king's palace.

Hua Xi didn't want to disturb him at first, but the matter was urgent and he had to ask the guard to report.

When Chen Xiang heard that Hua Xi was coming, she hurriedly ran out.

"Sister, where have you been?" Chen Xiang looked around her, "Hey, isn't the monk with you?"

"He has returned to Fanyin Temple."

Chen Xiang's jaw almost dropped, "He...does he dare to go back?"

"Master Du'er didn't kill him. A disciple witnessed the situation with his own eyes and testified for him." Hua Xi explained briefly.

"Then what about the fact that he married Princess Fenglan?"

"He was controlled by someone, he didn't know anything, and he didn't do it voluntarily."

"But..." Chen Xiang frowned and scratched the back of his head, "How can he go back? He is not like a little monk now..."

Hua Xi smiled, knowing what he was worried about, the previous Wujiang was invaded by demonic nature, with a hint of demonic nature, a little evil.

However, after failing to gain power from Soul Eater, he changed back again.

"You don't have to worry about this, Fanyin Temple has accepted him anyway." Hua Xi said and walked in, it was inconvenient to talk outside.

"Then he's fine, that Princess Feng Lan almost broke the ghost world." Chen Xiang pursed her lips, luckily she ran fast.

The alliance was successful, but I am afraid that the ghost world and the demon world will not be too friendly since then.

This is a good thing for their demon world.

When Hua Xi thinks about that situation, it must be very funny, Feng Lan's savagery has already caused Shuo Yue Hanyou a headache.

"I'm here this time, and I want to ask you about a monster master." Hua Xi said.

"Well, you said, our monster clan is very united, and the masters basically don't run out, they are all together, it is easy for you to find someone."

"A woman who is very powerful and possesses a treasure called Vajra."

When Chen Xiang heard this, he shook his head: "The vajra is a sacred object of Buddhism, how could it possibly belong to the demon world? There is absolutely no such person."

"There must be. The abbot of Fanyin Temple said that the person who killed Master Du'e was related to the Yaozu."

"Impossible!" Chen Xiang vetoed it in one gulp, speaking righteously,
(End of this chapter)

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