Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1735 Slaughtering the Demon Realm [1]

Chapter 1735 Slaughtering the Demon Realm [1]

Overhead, someone carefully made a shade out of leaves.

However, the fine sunlight still shines through the gap.

She waited for a while, and after her eyelids gradually adapted to the light, she slowly opened them.

At this time, the figure of a young man walked towards him, looking at her with a disheartened face.

"Sister, you are awake!"

It is agarwood.

Hua Xi wanted to sit up, but when she moved, she found that her chest was in severe pain and she couldn't move at all.

No, she was injured in the Illusion of Vientiane. Why did she still have injuries on her body after waking up?
"You're hurt, don't move around."

Chen Xiang ran over quickly, the corners of her lips were pale, and there were black and blue circles around her eyes, she didn't look as lively as usual, and looked sickly.

"Are you injured too?" Hua Xi frowned and asked.

This is the illusion of Vientiane, she shouldn't be hurt.

Chen Xiang shook her head and said, "No."

Hua Xi didn't believe it. She grabbed his hand and felt for his pulse. It was just a little weak, and there was really no sign of internal injury.

She felt more relieved, and asked, "Did you see Ji Yue?"

"No." Chen Xiang said disappointedly, "I fell into a coma, and when I woke up, I found you by my side."

Hua Xi thought for a while, then told Chen Xiang about meeting Lu Lian and Shenyue Qianhe and being injured by the vajra.

"I believe it's not a dream. The wound caused by the vajra is still there. Am I in an illusion now?"

"Maybe not." Chen Xiang frowned and said, "Vientiane Illusion is an extremely powerful spell. It can not only create illusions like reality, but also map them into reality."

Hua Xi heard a little vaguely: "What do you mean?"

"That is to say, people in the illusion can see the world outside the illusion, but it is only accidental, and the possibility is too small." Chen Xiang said, "Maybe, it is Shenyue Qianhe, or Lu Lian is in the illusion. middle."

"Why can't it be that I'm in an illusion?" Hua Xi said with a trace of apprehension

This myriad illusion is so evil, she doesn't want to be in it.

"No!" Chen Xiang said firmly, "Trapped in the illusion, the time limit is eternal life, even if the caster dies, he can't regain his freedom. Inside, he won't grow old, die, or get hurt. If it’s not good, it’s definitely impossible to be in the illusion.”

Hua Xi breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

"Then, to make sure that you are not trapped in the illusion of Vientiane, you only need to hurt yourself?"

Chen Xiang nodded, a smile appeared on his pale face.

"So sister don't have to worry, you are still in the real world!"

"Great." Hua Xi said, although she was hurt by someone in the illusion, but fortunately there was nothing serious.

Lu Lian and Shenyue Qianhe, who is in the illusion?

"Sister, you should heal your injuries first, don't worry too much." Chen Xiang said.

Hua Xi nodded. This injury is not serious, but it still affects the action.

She still wants to go back to the Demon Realm as soon as possible, and I believe Feng Lan will not let go of the boundless matter.

She finished cross-legged, rummaged through a few pills and ate them, and then began to concentrate on healing.

Chen Xiang also obediently sat beside him, quietly helping her guard her surroundings so that she could concentrate on healing.

After a while, the qi in the chest finally calmed down slowly, and the spiritual power restrained by the vajra pestle and the Forbidden Technique of the Underworld slowly recovered.

This process is very slow, and the recuperation of internal injuries should be done slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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