Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 1751 Punish the Heart and Devour Love [3]

Chapter 1751 Punish the Heart and Devour Love [3]

"Your loneliness is what you deserve. You regret turning around now, which makes me hate you like this. I still like that cold and ruthless you when you pierced my heart with the Demon Slayer Sword. At least that kind of you makes me hate you." I admire it from the bottom of my heart!"

Hua Xi no longer has any fear of him, no matter how powerful he is, to her, he is just an opponent who desperately wants to defeat.

"Hua Xi, you once said that the you 9000 years ago is not the current you. You just want to be yourself now, and it has nothing to do with the 9000 years ago." Chong Xi said in a low voice.

Hua Xi remembered that she did say that, and she really didn't want to bear the hatred of Princess Hua Xi.

However, when you know everything that happened 9000 years ago, no one can forget who it was.

Although it was just a memory, it was something that really happened.

"Chong Xi, if you are wrong, you are wrong." Hua Xi bit her lip, "I was stupid for saying those words. At that time, I believed that you loved me. Love made me blind."

"Why don't you believe it now?" he asked.

"How can I believe that?" Hua Xi suddenly asked sharply, "Chong Xi, those things were indeed done by you, no one forced you, right?"

"No." He said without thinking.

Hua Xi sneered, not even refusing to lie to her.

Who does he think he is?Because he is Chong Xi, because she once loved him so much, do you think he can do whatever he wants?
"Then, how can I believe that you love me? Chong Xi, don't lie to yourself, you don't love me at all!"

Chong Xi suddenly grabbed her shoulders, lowered her head, and looked straight into her eyes: "You are not me..."

"Stop lying to me with nice words! Do you think I'm still that stupid Hua Xi? I don't believe you! No matter what you say, I won't believe you!"

Chong Xi stared at her blankly, no one could understand the light in his eyes.

His pale face was like a gray doll mask, leaving only a pair of empty eyes.

"How can you trust me?"

Hua Xi looked at him, her heart ached, but she still had a clear understanding in her mind that he was Chong Xi, so she must not believe him!

"I want the eighth totem." Hua Xi said.

The hand on her shoulder suddenly exerted a little force, and then the force disappeared, accompanied by his weak voice, "Except for this."

"Hahaha..." Hua Xi laughed softly, eyes full of sarcasm, "Look, what is the most important thing in your heart? It's still the throne of the god king. Are you afraid that I will get the eighth totem and then threaten you?" rule?"

"Except for this, you can make any request!" Chong Xi said.

Hua Xi opened his hand heavily, and said coldly: "Enough! I won't tell you to die, because I know you can't do it!"

"You're not me, how do you know I can't do it?"

Hua Xi was surprised, but still tried her best to restrain the overflowing desire in her heart.

She loves Chong Xi, this is an indelible fact, no matter how much she denies it, it cannot be changed.

It's so scary, I can't control my heart, it's like floating on the boundless sea, I'm at a loss in all directions, and I can't touch the shore.

And on Chongxi, he held up a lamp and stood not far or near him.

The lights were so bright and warm, she was cold all over, at a loss, frightened and helpless, her body's instinct made her want to get close to him.

How can I resist that frown?
(End of this chapter)

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