Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 185 Prince Confession [2]

Chapter 185 Prince Confession [2]

As soon as the words fell, Long Ganyu suddenly came over and grabbed her arm, with a cold and painful sharpness in his eyes.

"Don't continue to lie! How can a person's heart change so quickly? If you can say you like it, you like it, and if you say you don't like it, you don't like it. Why should I be in such pain?"

"If you don't believe me, there's nothing you can do. I really don't have you in my heart, so you should just think that Mo Huaxi, who liked you in the past, is dead!" Huaxi said decisively, trying to free her hand, but there was nothing. Thinking of how strong he was, he refused to let go no matter what.

"His Royal Highness, please let me go!" Hua Xi said coldly.

"Do you dare to look me in the eyes and say you don't like me?"

How funny!

Hua Xi's black and white eyes suddenly looked straight at him, directly meeting his gaze, without any guilt or hypocrisy.

At that moment, Long Ganyu almost heard the sound of his own heartbeat.

His hands loosened slowly, and in her eyes, he could not see any trace of lying.

Either she is too good at hiding, or she really has no affection for him.

Hua Xi rubbed her hand, this guy was so hard that it almost broke her arm.

"If His Royal Highness has nothing to do, I will take my leave."

After Hua Xi finished speaking, she turned around and left without waiting for his response.

Looking at the figure that was drifting away in the bamboo forest, Long Ganyu suddenly punched a thick bamboo tree, and the bamboo fell to the ground in response, startling several flying birds.

"How can you become so fast..." He stroked his forehead and murmured in pain.

In the bamboo grove behind him, Mo Qianxue watched this scene angrily, her fists clenched tightly, her nails ruthlessly scratched a few bloodstains on the bamboo.

Like a poisonous snake, the eyes shot out cold and deadly venom.

"Mo Huaxi... Mo Huaxi!" She said through gritted teeth, "I won't let you go!"

This time hunting, Mo Qingtian was full of spirits and gained a lot.

Thinking of climbing to the Pingnan Palace from now on, the future is bright, how can I not be unhappy.

As for the daughter he sacrificed, he never thought about it.

After returning from hunting, Mo Qingtian heard about Mo Qianyu on the way, and was so shocked that he almost fell off his horse, and all the pride on his face faded.

"How could this be?" He didn't care so much, and rode his horse back quickly.

Mo Qianyu had already been taken away by the people of Pingnan Palace, Aunt Shui was crying alone in the room, and when she saw Mo Qingtian, she added fuel and jealousy to frame Hua Xi again.

"How could that girl have such courage and ability?" Although Mo Qingtian was dazzled by anger, he couldn't believe that Hua Xi had such great ability.

"Father, it must be her! I saw the second sister enter the attic together with my own eyes!" Mo Qianxue walked in from the door and said, "Mo Huaxi has changed a long time ago, she is not a fuel-efficient lamp now. Don't underestimate her!"

"Is it really her?" Mo Qingtian's face was ashen, and he clenched his iron fist, "Where is that girl? Bring her here immediately!"

As soon as the words were finished, a large number of masters poured into the yard, the leader was King Pingnan in his seventies and eighties.

"Mo Qingtian! How dare you fool me, you are courting death!"

When Pingnan Wang's bell-like voice sounded, Mo Qingtian was startled.

"What's going on?" He strode out with a smile on his face, "My lord, this is all a misunderstanding, don't be angry, let me arrange it again."

(End of this chapter)

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