Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 191 Newcomer Training [2]

Chapter 191 Newcomer Training [2]

"It turned out to be because of this." Jade God chuckled a few times, "The newcomers in the sixth heaven realm have not appeared for thousands of years."

"Jia Ruo also said the same thing. The worst thing is that this time, it was originally a training for newcomers, but now it has become a competition between several major forces. The pressure is very high!"

"With your strength, you shouldn't feel the pressure." Yu Shen said, "There is only one newcomer in the sixth heaven realm. As long as you don't make enemies with him, you don't need to worry. As long as you can enter the top ten, you are Xuanyunzong." Talents that the various colleges are vying for."

"That's right, I probably won't offend the monk." Hua Xi doubted her own character, and she couldn't help itching when she met a master...

"It's okay to be offended. Newcomer training is a teamwork. A strong person doesn't mean anything. It depends on the ability to coordinate." Yushen comforted her.

"That's right, monk, laymen like us understand such things as reciting scriptures for almsgiving, military strategy and so on!" Hua Xi chuckled, "I'm going to Xuanyun Sect in two days, and I'm afraid I won't be able to come here often Yuli, please take care, master."

"During training, if you encounter danger, you can tell me through Jingyu, and I will help you." Yushen said slowly in a clear voice.

"It would be too useless for me to ask Master for help during the newcomer training." Hua Xi raised her lips and said confidently.

"Don't underestimate the training of newcomers, especially this time when the major forces unite, I'm afraid there will be many masters."

"I will be careful not to embarrass Master."

"I look forward to your successful return." After Jade God finished speaking, the strings of the zither dinged, and the green vitality in the pure jade slowly fluctuated.

Hua Xi opened her eyes and returned to the real world.

"Miss, the Seventh Prince is here to visit." Ling'er pushed open the door and said.

Hua Xi was shocked, and quickly stood up, "Please serve tea in the front hall!"

"It's already in the front hall." Ling'er said with a smile.

The house is not big, so Hua Xi walked to the front hall in a few steps. Long Ganyue, who was dressed in a crescent white robe, sat quietly drinking tea, her eyebrows lowered, and she had a stunning look of independence from the world.

On the other side, Long Qianxun stood with his arms folded, his pretty face as cold as frost.

Hua Xi's footsteps slowed down, the smile on his face disappeared without a trace, walked in, and said politely: "The Seventh Prince and the princess of Heping City are here, and they are full of glory."

Long Qianxun snorted softly, apparently not liking her deliberate politeness.

Long Ganyue raised his head, looked at her carefully, and saw that she was fine, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but then she said solemnly: "The matter of the general's mansion is embarrassing, and I have never been able to find you, so Just came today."

"Thank you Seventh Prince for your concern." Hua Xi said, "There are some things we can't do anything about, we can only let nature take its course."

Long Ganyue stared at her, she spoke so easily, did she feel sad?
Rumors that Mo Qingtian was going to give her to King Pingnan had already been spread in Jialan City. Everyone would be disappointed if his father was like this.

"Don't be sad." Long Ganyue said in a deep voice, he was not good at words, especially when there were other people present, and he didn't know how to comfort her.

Hua Xi smiled slightly, Long Ganyue is a kind person, how could he know that the tragedy of the Mo family was planned by her alone?
But it's fine for her to know about this kind of thing alone, there is no need to harm unrelated people.

"With the prince here, why do you need to worry about the affairs of the Mo family?"

(End of this chapter)

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