Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 202 Violating Lust Caution [1]

Chapter 202 Violating Lust Caution [1]

Wujiang's reputation has long been outside, a newcomer master of the sixth heaven, naturally some people admire and some people are jealous, so outside the guest house of Fanyin Temple, many people come and go to observe the situation.

"Senior brother, why do people outside look at us like monkeys." The junior brother who ranked last asked Wuchen inexplicably.

"Everyone is curious, let them go." Wujiang smiled.

"But, I want to go to the back mountain to dig two bamboo shoots and they have to follow, it's really boring!" Wu Chen said angrily with a childish face.

"You gluttonous kid, what kind of bamboo shoots do you want to eat? Can't you bear it?" The tall and burly second disciple Wuxin raised his eyebrows.

Wu Chen immediately said: "When we came, didn't senior brother see it? The bamboo shoots are growing so well, are you not allowed to eat them?"

"Eat, eat, eat! I haven't memorized the scriptures, so I just want to eat!" Although Wuxin's tone was harsh, she was not too harsh.

"I'll recite it after eating!"

Looking at these two people, Wujiang smiled helplessly: "Okay, I'll go dig the bamboo shoots, and Wuchen should recite the scriptures well."

"Thank you big brother!" Wuchen cheered, winked at Wuxin, and ran away happily.

Wuxin also shook his head helplessly, but he has always been confident in the strength of Brother Wujiang, so he will go out without anyone noticing!I'm afraid he'll be back before a cup of tea gets cold.

The mountain behind Xuanyunzong is a vast bamboo sea. After a rain, the bamboo shoots in the ground will rise up.

The green bamboos are straight and rising, and the bamboo leaves are layered on top of each other. Occasionally, a few rays of sunlight leaked and sprinkled finely on the ground full of fallen leaves.

A snow-white robe flashed through the green bamboos, without touching the ground, and the clothes didn't even shake a leaf, just appeared in the bamboo forest without making a sound.

The delicate and clean face, in the fine spots of light, seems to have the mercy of Buddha.

There were many bamboo shoots, big and small, growing on the ground. His hand brushed downwards, and the invisible spiritual power gently lifted a few dead leaves on the ground, and then a few bamboo shoots jumped out of the soil.

He reached out to catch the bamboo shoots and put them one by one in the wide cloth bag.

When the last one flew over from a distance, suddenly there was a little red thing flashing past the green bamboo, and it seemed that there was a little bit of fire flashing at that moment.

Mythical beast?

Wujiang frowned, he didn't grasp the movements of his hands well, and suddenly paused, and the flying bamboo shoots hit a bamboo tree heavily.

The tall green bamboo shook for a moment, and then a cry of surprise was heard, and a figure suddenly fell from above.


Wujiang was startled, how could there be someone?And he didn't realize...

How can this be?With his cultivation base, even a master who has entered the soul state, it is impossible to dodge silently under his nose.

There were fallen leaves all over the ground, the man fell and splashed the leaves all over the ground, got up in embarrassment, tossed the hair scattered in front of his forehead, revealing an overly surprised little face.

It was Hua Xi...

"You stinky monk!" Hua Xi saw Wujiang at a glance, stood up quickly, with an angry expression on his face, "I won't provoke you, but you dare to provoke me?"

"I don't know how offended the female benefactor is here." Wujiang quickly apologized, and Qingjun's eyebrows were full of guilt, "Did you fall?"

"Injury, of course!" Hua Xi was furious, her ankles were stabbed, falling from such a high tree, how could she not be injured?

(End of this chapter)

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