Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 259 Illusory Dream Confusion [3]

Chapter 259 Illusory Dream Confusion [3]

Hua Xi tried her best to tell all the scenes in her dream, but she kept thinking about hiding the last man kissing her in the water.

"I don't know why Xiao Guizi went mad when he saw him, but the man kept hitting me with lightning, and I fought with him. It's really not his opponent, he's too strong."

Jade God listened quietly, and after she finished speaking, she pondered for a long time, and slowly said, "Hua Xi, do you know who this man is in your dream?"

"I don't know, he didn't say his name."

"The doe with the golden lotus in its mouth is one of the noblest beasts in the God Realm, the 'Phantom Lotus Deer'. He is..."

After a pause, Jade God didn't continue, Hua Xi hurriedly asked: "So powerful, he is very loyal to that man, is it his summoned beast?"

"That's right, it's his summoned beast."

"Then who is he?" Hua Xi's heart itch, eager to know.

"He is..." Jade God paused slightly, as if it was very difficult for him to say this name, "He is the current emperor of the God Realm, Chong Xi."

"Chongxi?" Hua Xi's mouth opened so wide that it could almost stuff an egg into it!
She imagined many possibilities, guessing that the man's identity was the Demon King, the Demon King, but she didn't dare to think about the God King Chong Xi!

It's really not that she didn't dare, but... How could such a noble person above Nine Heavens allow her to be so presumptuous, and even kiss her...

Even though it was a dream, she also felt that it was impossible.

"You actually dreamed of him." Jade God murmured, with a desolate voice, and repeated: "You actually dreamed of him..."

"Master, why do I dream of him? Wujiang, a young monk from Fanyin Temple, told me that there is a reason why Honghuang paints dreams."


"Why is that?" She felt vaguely uneasy, "Why did I dream of Dijun? I have never seen him, and I have never worshiped him."

"Honghuanghuimeng is the strongest kind of nightmare beast's mental attack. He blocks the road leading to the sword mound. Everyone who wants to enter the sword mound will experience Honghuanghuimeng." Jade God's gentle voice eased. Slowly echoed in the pure jade.

Hua Xi raised her head and listened quietly without making a sound to interrupt.

"If you don't come to Honghuang, you will definitely be able to enter the sword mound. If you are confused by the dream of the nightmare beast in Honghuang Huimeng, you will never be able to enter the sword mound."

"Confusion?" Hua Xi suddenly said, "Master, what does that mean, that dream is actually just a kind of confusion?"

"That's right, this kind of confusion is beautiful, scary, or plain, etc., but you have to find a way to unravel this confusion."

"So that's how it is." Hua Xi nodded, and couldn't help being amused when he thought of that guy in Wujiang, "Wujiang refused to tell Hong Huang Huimeng the reason why he died. I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be like this."

"Perhaps his dream made him full of confusion." Jade God said lightly.

Hua Xi was a little puzzled, would that little monk who was full of Buddha nature in his heart, intelligent and extremely wise, and who looked down on everything, be deceived?
She was really curious, what was the dream that could confuse him?

But now, she can't control the affairs of the victim, she should take care of herself first.

"Master, in my dream, I don't feel any confusion, how should I solve it?"

"Your confusion, only you can solve it."

(End of this chapter)

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