Sansheng Tea Huaxi Chapter

Chapter 261 Illusory Dream Confusion [5]

Chapter 261 Illusory Dream Confusion [5]

"You know everything?" Wujiang was startled, he didn't expect her to be so smart.

"Anyway, I have already solved the confusion in the dream." Hua Xi said happily, took a bite of the apple, suddenly frowned, and spat it out with a 'pooh' sound.

"Sour!" A face was completely wrinkled together.

Wu Jiang couldn't help being amused by her, his brows and eyes stretched out, he was as handsome as a lotus, he lowered his head and picked out two blue dates.

"This one will be sweeter."

"Eat one first and let me see." Hua Xi looked at him teasingly.

I was just teasing him, but he took a bite honestly and confirmed, "It's really not sour."

Hua Xi let out a 'puchi' laugh, and couldn't help saying, "If you weren't a monk, I would have liked you! I like honest people the most."

"The benefactor was joking." Wu Jiang handed him the green dates, and sat down to eat the sour and astringent apples.

Hua Xi asked while eating: "I'm curious, you are such an indifferent little monk, what kind of dream can confuse you?"

Wujiang paused his hands, but he still chewed the apple calmly, and said flatly: "Everyone's fate is different, and my dream will also be solved."

"Then what exactly did you dream about? Tell me a little bit." Hua Xi asked gossipingly.

She is not curious about other people's, but she wants to know about this monk's!

"Amitabha, forgive me, but it's really inconvenient for me to speak out."

"Oh~~~" Hua Xi prolonged the ending on purpose, "I see!"

Wujiang quickly looked at her, blankly, "You, how do you know?"

"It's a woman, isn't it? Did you dream that you violated | lust | abstinence?" Hua Xi's eyes began to light up, with half a date in his mouth, his appearance was indescribably funny.

"You're talking nonsense." Wujiang looked away, not wanting to look at her treacherous eyes.

"You haven't violated lust, why are you bothered?" Hua Xi couldn't understand, "To tell you the truth, I also violated lust in my dream, but I am no longer confused, because I know, it is not It's possible!"

Hearing this, Wu Jiang looked back at her again: "You... with whom?"

"With you, believe it or not?" Hua Xi looked at him with a half-smile.

"You—" Wujiang was speechless, his face really turned red.

Hua Xi laughed, and patted him on the shoulder with a jujube in his mouth: "Just kidding, don't be serious! The person I dreamed about, I can't talk nonsense, anyway, let me tell you, no matter what you dream about, everything is Fantasy dream, as you said, what is like a dream bubble, what is like dew is like electricity."

"This, I understand."

"Then what are you still confused about?" Hua Xi was puzzled, "Little monk, you don't have an ordinary heart, shouldn't you see it more thoroughly?"

"Everything is an illusion. I have seen through the illusion, but what is behind the illusion?" He frowned, with a confused look on his face.

Hua Xi hurriedly pressed his shoulder, her heart sank.

It is said that the more advanced the monk is, the easier it is to fall into the predicament of thinking.

If you can't break free from this predicament, you will go crazy and go crazy.

Wujiang's six roots are pure, and her wisdom root is extremely high. She can walk out of confusion, why can't he?
Was his dream really that scary?

"You will never be able to see through the illusion, the illusion is the Dharma, and the Dharma is boundless, how can you see through it?"

Wujiang turned his eyes to look at her, slightly surprised,

(End of this chapter)

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